Imo Assembly Workers Spoil For War Over Non-Implmentaiton of - TopicsExpress


Imo Assembly Workers Spoil For War Over Non-Implmentaiton of CONLESS Except the Imo State Government does the needful few weeks time, Legislative and other office activities may be grounded in the Imo State House of Assembly and House of Assembly Service Commission. Reason for this is the agitation by the Workers for the implementation of consolidated Legislative Salary Structure (CONLESS) meant to enhance the pay package of Assembly workers. The National Assembly through a letter dated 30th April, 2014 had written the chairman of the Imo State House of Assembly Service Commission for the implementation of the CONLESS which has since been implemented in the National Assembly after due consultations with various stakeholders. However, months after the National Assembly directive was ignored and state government seems unperturbed over persistent letters from the workers, the umbrella body of both Assembly and Commission Staffers, the Parliamentary Staff Association of Nigeria, PASAN is strategizing for a showdown with concerned authorities. Trumpeta was reliably informed that PASAN officials of Imo Assembly and the sister service commission met recently to fine tune their plan on the realization of the CONLESS payment. Some staffers and PASSAN officials who spoke under condition of anonymity revealed that unlike other states, the present government is playing lip service to the welfare of Imo Assembly workers adding that the neglect of the CONLESS is the height of abandonment. While expressing happiness that the Rescue Mission government of Okorocha as worker-friendly, the official expressed dismay why Assembly and House Commission workers should be denied their CONLESS package. “We have written several letters to the state government but no response or action. What is worrying us is that the Lawmakers, I mean our “Ogas” especially the Speaker are not helpful” Continuing, the worker noted that Speaker Uwajumogu is compounding their woes by failing to hearken to their pleas for a courtesy visit which will offer them the chance to air their problems. Trumpeta learnt that other issues that forced the workers to hold the joint meeting for a struggle against government are the flagrant abuse of postings and non payments of entitled allowances. The bone of contention is the unwarranted transfer of workers from other commissions to Imo Assembly which hitherto stalled growth and capacity building in the workforce. It was further gathered that other measures will be employed by the workers to ensure their demands are met.
Posted on: Fri, 31 Oct 2014 16:12:37 +0000

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