Impact Wrestling Results – 9/26/2013 From Little Rock, Arkansas - TopicsExpress


Impact Wrestling Results – 9/26/2013 From Little Rock, Arkansas Report by: Alex Barie of WrestlingNewsWorld Impact Wrestling starts out with a video package looking at the Magnus and Bobby Roode rivalry. It became EGO vs. Main Event Mafia. EGO wins after Magnus took a baseball bat shot to save Sting. It switches to the Aces & 8s story where the club is falling apart. Bully Ray is leading the pack and is leading it without anyone else behind him. It switches to AJ Styles and his promo he cut last week. He calls out Dixie Carter. He will make her pay. Dixie Carter gave her response and cut AJ Styles off and ended the show. Dixie Carter is walking backstage. Sting meets up with her. He welcomes her. She pulls out her phone. He says she has her phone so she must have gotten his texts. He asks her why she did what she did last week. Dixie says not to worry as Dixie knows what she is doing. She walks away and Sting looks on. The camera shows the arena and the audience is going crazy. They are on their feet cheering like no other. Music hits and here comes Bully Ray and Brooke Tessmacher. They wrap each other up on the ramp and then continue down to the ring. Ray hands her the title and grabs a mic. He wants his music off right now. He states that he is not often lost for words, but Dixie Carter shocked the hell out of him. Did you hear the way she put AJ Styles in his place? He says it was awesome and great. Ever since AJ won the Series, Ray was staying up at night thinking of ways to beat Styles. He doesn’t have to worry about how to beat him anymore. Dixie is inside AJ’s head. AJ should just kiss the ground Carter walks on. Ray states he doesn’t always agree with her, but she was the one who made AJ who he is today. Without her, AJ wouldn’t be there preforming for the morons. Wait… he forgot something. “Do you know who I am?” Just then, music hits and here comes Knux. He uses the Aces & 8s music. He has a mic and says he knows who Ray is. Knux gets in the ring with Wes Brisco and Garett Bischoff behind him. Knux states Ray is focused on Bully business. He is focused on the title rather than the group and who is in it. He is too worried about his hoe than his bros. Ray gets on the mic and tells Knux something one time and one time only… do not call her a hoe! The crowd starts chanting it louder and louder. Ray gets furious. Knux loves it. Ray covers Tessmacher’s ears. He tells them to not call her it, but they continue. Knux tells Ray to not worry about that too much because they fight Main Event Mafia to take care of club business. Them three… not Ray. Bully Ray tells them to get in line and to knock the smirks off their faces. Garett keeps it on. Ray states he makes the decisions. He is President and they are all little side kicks. They saw what he did to D-Lo and what he did to Mr. Anderson. He did the same to Devon, his brother. He could do the same thing to them. Fall in line. If they lose tonight, then “Lights Out” for one of them tonight. One of them, if they lose, will be out of the club. Ray exits the ring with Tessmacher as music plays. Wes, Garett, and Knux look on. Taz and Mike Tenay are shown on the camera. They discuss the line-up for tonight. As they do, video plays showing ODB beating Mickie James last week for the Knockout Title. Joseph Park is backstage. He puts shaving cream on his face as he sings, “Sweet Caroline.” Eric Young and ODB come into the scene and asks what is he doing. He could cut himself with the razor. Park says those razors are so dull. Park says he is worried about him. EY tells him to not to shave before the match anymore. Park still has to get ready so he hurries up. EY grabs the razor but ODB tells him to not even think about it. She loves some beard! Robbie E and Jessie Godderz come out on the stage as their music plays. Gail Kim comes out after. They walk down the ramp and get in the ring. -Commercial Joseph Park, Eric Young, and ODB come out on the stage. As they walk to the ring, video plays showing their segment they were in last week. It ended with Park being cut open and taking down Jessie and Robbie. Robbie E, Jessie Godderz, and Gail Kim vs. Joseph Park, Eric Young, and ODB Gail Kim starts the match against ODB. They meet each other in the middle of the ring, exchange a few words and gail tags Robbie. Robbie talks to her and then ODB turns and tags Park. He gets in and Robbie pushes Park back into the corner. Park pushes Robbie down. He gets up and goes after Park, but he whips Robbie in the ropes. He lifts him up and drops him down on his face and chest. Robbie gets up and tries for a body slam, but Park lifts Robbie up and hits the slam. He covers but Robbie kicks out. Park gets up and goes into his opponent’s corner. Gail and Jessie hold Park as Robbie runs and smashes into him. Robbie tags Jessie. They double whip him into the corner chest first. He falls to his knees after. Jessie chokes him on the middle rope and then hits a dropkick as Park gets to his feet. Jessie goes for a whip, but Park reverses it. He goes for a back body drop, but Jessie holds on and tries for a sunset flip. Park stops and jump up and goes to sit down on Jessie but he moves. Jessie tags Robbie. Robbie goes right to Park with a low dropkick and then a cover. Park kicks out. Robbie chokes Park and then punches him several times. Robbie gets up and waits. He then slaps Park’s head. Park gets up to his feet and then lifts Robbie up and hits a samoan drop. Park reaches over, but Robbie grabs his leg. Park tags EY, but the referee was looking at Jessie as he comes in the ring. No tag. Robbie tags Gail Kim. She enters and goes after Park with a couple kicks. Park tries to tell her to stop. She slaps him and he starts hulking up. Robbie E comes in and hits Park from behind. Gail tags Jessie and he enters and he and Robbie go after Park, but Park closelines them down. Park tags EY. He climbs the corner and does a cross body on both Robbie and Jessie. EY continues. Gail Kim enters and goes after him, but ODB gets in and tosses Gail out on the ramp. Robbie starts doing some fist pumping as ODB stares at him. She grabs his head and bits it. Park runs and closelines him out of the ring. They have Jessie down. Park climbs the corner and jumps for a splash. EY is on another corner and does an elbow drop. ODB does a splash and pins Jessie. Winners: ODB, Eric Young, and Joseph Park The camera man is backstage with Austin Aries. He asks Aries what is next for him after the BFG Series. Aries says he was taking some hot pictures for ImpactWrestling. But, instead of telling him, he will go to the ring and tell everyone. -Commercial Hulk Hogan is walking backstage. The camera man asks him about the Dixie/AJ segment from last week. Hulk had to look at the transcript as he couldn’t believe it. He is there to fix it. Hulk walks away. Austin Aries’ music plays and he comes down the ramp and gets right in the ring. Aries says he loves the welcome as that is what he likes to hear. He then goes on to say that people ask him what is next as the BFG Series is over. Last year, he faced Jeff Hardy in the main event. It doesn’t matter where he is at on the card as he is main eventing anywhere he goes. He is greatness. Music hits and here comes Kenny King. King comes on the stage with a mic. He says that is music to his ears as when those trumpet plays from his theme song, he knows he can say whatever he wants. Kenny says he has something to say that has been bothering him. Aries tells him to say it right now. King goes on to talk about how Aries makes headlines, but King was making headlines last year. King was taking down the competition to win the X-Division Title, King keeping the competition down to keep his title, but then he had it stolen from Chris Frail Sabin. It was, however, stolen from a person in a mask… and that as Aries. King is now in the ring and goes to Aries’ face. King says he is the future and Aries has to look out for him. Aries says he never signed up to this newspaper with all of these headlines in it. Aries says he has his wrestling gear on, so if King wants to fight, fight! Aries takes his shirt off. King says the same thing Hillary Clinton says before she goes into bed with her husband… Home boy, you don’t want any of this. King, suddenly, punches Aries in the face. He falls. King continues to attack, but Aries gets up and kicks King. He leaves the ring. Aries grabs a mic and wants a referee out here. No one gets away from punching him. A referee does come and Aries climbs the corner and jumps and lands on King on the ramp. He continues the fight as both stand. -Commercial Aries is punching King on the outside. King climbs the steps to the ramp. Aries follows. Kenny King vs. Austin Aries The bell finally sounds. Aries grabs the shirt of King, wraps it around his neck and tosses him in the ring. King goes to the corner. Aries follows and punches him in the face many times. King is busted open. King falls and goes to another corner. Aries does more punches, but King lifts Aries up and drops him on the ropes. Aries falls to the outside face and chest first. King goes to the outside and brings Aries back in. He goes after Aries with kicks and punches. Aries goes to the corner. King whips him into the opposing corner and then does a huge splash. Blood is gushing out of his face. King jumps up and goes for a leg drop, but Aries moves out of the way. Both get up and Aries slaps him in the chest multiple times. He whips him into the opposing corner and then does an atomic drop. He whips King in the ropes, but King holds on. Aries runs and King does a back body drop. Aries holds onto the ropes, gets back i, and takes King up and drops him down on his knee. Aries does the spinning elbow drop. He gets King up and goes for the Brain Buster, but King gets out and slaps Aries in the face. He does punches, but Aries punches back. Aries goes for a huge elbow strike, but King ducks a
Posted on: Sat, 28 Sep 2013 00:00:49 +0000

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