Imperialist Hands Off Ukraine! Down With the Fascist Svoboda - TopicsExpress


Imperialist Hands Off Ukraine! Down With the Fascist Svoboda Movement! [Photo: Ukraine: Pro-Western Protesters Topple Lenin, Hoist Flag of Nazi Occupation] Neo-Nazis of the so-called Svoboda Freedom movement are gaining momentum in the streets of Ukraine with western backing. A few hours ago, protests they are leading stormed the offices of three governors in the Ukraine and forced one governor to sign a resignation letter. With this movement rampaging through the streets, a number of attacks on Jews have also been reported. On December 8th the so-called Svoboda Freedom movement in Ukraine made the international news when they toppled a statue of Bolshevik Revolutionary leader Vladimir Lenin. Not mentioned in the articles of the corporate media is the fact that these vandals also were waving the red and black flag of the Nazi occupation of the Ukraine. These include the one that can be seen hoisted in the photo shown here on the pedestal where Lenins likeness once stood. During the Russian Civil War Leon Trotsky led the Red Army against the U.S. backed White Army. The White Army was a counter-revolutionary force that was so anti-Semitic that they murdered 100,000 Jews in the Ukraine alone. Today these fascist vandals of so-called Svoboda movement are fighting for the Ukrainian government to join the European Union. Ukraine’s capitalist president isn’t opposed to this notion on principle. Yet, when he attempted to negotiate a settlement with western imperialist powers, he ran into a roadblock with the west insisting on particularly onerous conditions of austerity imposed with the assistance of the International Monetary Fund. It is sort of fitting that the so-called Svoboda movement in Ukraine fights today for western imperialist enslavement of the Ukraine under a banner that flew when Germany enslaved the Ukraine. Today many apologists for the atrocities of capitalism in the 20th century, including some anarchists and social democrats, try to rewrite history. They now often absurdly claim that that communism was worse than fascism. Firstly, Stalin did not represent true communism, but instead the rule of a conservative and privileged bureaucratic clique. Secondly, while Stalin did commit crimes, the reality is that German fascism brought mass murder to a level of industrial production never seen before or since in the world. Under the Nazi occupation of the Ukraine from 1941 to 1945, three million Ukrainians were murdered by the fascists, including 900,000 Jews. Stated Nazi plans for Ukraine were to murder an additional 12 million people in 10 years, enslave most of the rest of the Ukrainians, and open up Ukraine to German settlement. Thankfully, the USSR’s Red Army liberated Ukraine, Eastern Europe, and the world from the capitalist menace of German Nazi imperialism at that time. The 1917 Russian Revolution overthrew capitalism and turned one of the poorest countries in the world into an industrial powerhouse capable of defeating two major imperialist invasions (including the Nazis who left 30 million citizens of the USSR dead), and rebuilding the economy after each invasion to provide everyone with a job, education, and health care. The capitalist counter-revolution that brought Yeltsin to power, on the other hand, rapidly destroyed many of the gains of the Russian Revolution, creating hunger, a lack of health care, nationalistic bloodletting, and imperialist intervention. In this mix, the U.S. is stepping in to support the worst fascist elements. There is nothing to support about the Ukraine’s current capitalist government, but that government must be defended against the IMF and western backed neo-Nazis of Svoboda. Ultimately, what is needed is a Leninist-Trotskyist party that defends Ukrainian sovereignty from imperialist / neo-Nazi attack, but at the same time fights for a communist Ukraine with true workers democracy. US, EU, IMF Out of the Ukraine! Stop Supporting Neo-Nazis! Forward to a Democratic Communist Ukraine! -Steven Argue of the Revolutionary Tendency
Posted on: Fri, 24 Jan 2014 00:00:10 +0000

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