Impersonal and personal Human love. Long read but worth it. Love - TopicsExpress


Impersonal and personal Human love. Long read but worth it. Love takes both a subject and an object. The subject is the one who loves; the object is the one loved,the recipient of of love. In the sentance I love you, I is the subject, and you is the object. The distinction between the subject and the object explains the two basic types of genuine love that exist between members of the human race, lets call them Impersonal love and Personal love. Impersonal love emphasizes the subject, personal love emphasizes the object. Impersonal love depends on honor and virture of the one who loves; personal love depends on the attractiveness,capacity and response of the one who is loved. By impersonal it is meant that this love does not require intimacy, friendliness, or even aquaintance with the object of love. A close relationship between object and subject may exist, but is not necessary; impersonal love is simply the consistent function of your own virture toward other people.Impersonal love can be directed towards friends , enemies ,loved ones , strangers-- In fact , toward the entire human race. In contrast, personal love requires that you know the object with some degree of intimacy. The object of personal love must be attractive to you, share basic values with you, and have the capacity to love you in return. Only a few select people qualify as objects of your personal love, whereas all mankind can be the object of your impersonal love. Personal love is desighned for interaction with a few ; impersonal love is desighned to benefit the human race. personal love is highly descriminating; impersonal love is not; personal love is conditional; impersonal love is nonconditional. Without virture , personal love is a weakness, you bring your own problems into any personal relationship, but so does the one you love. The problems ,shortcomings and faults of two people are combined and multiiplied by personal love. Your vulnerability to the influenece to the one you love can spawn subjectivity and mental attitude sins of jealousy, self-pity, and bitterness. Personal love in the human race is highly volaitle, emotionally charged and complicated with varibles and unpredictables that personal love can not control. Often turbulent and frustrating, personal love is never stronger than the virtue of those involved. An enduring personal love depends on impersonal love. impersonal love is the virtue that alone can strenghthen , stabilize, and perpetuate personal love. The only varible in impersonal love that remains in your control is your own mental attitude. Whereas personal love may lead to compromise of true norms and standards (we all have norms and standards that we live by), impersonal love never compromises virtue. Impersonal love is a result of your relationship with God; personal love is often a distraction from what is most important, Bible Doctrine. Impersonal love is a problem solver ; personal love can be a problem. in Corinthians 13:13 personal love for god and impersonal love for mankind, not personal love for mankind, are proclaimed the ultimate christian virtues. Virtue love furnishes the enviroment for faith and hope. Impersonal love is mandatory; personal love is optional. Certainly personal love is legitament and potentially wonderful, but it is virtue-dependent, hinging on the virtue of impersonal love, witch represents the highest degree of integrity the soul can attain.....
Posted on: Sat, 24 Jan 2015 00:43:22 +0000

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