Importance of Islamic Manners Islamic Manners have been - TopicsExpress


Importance of Islamic Manners Islamic Manners have been practically demonstrated to us by the Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) and have been recorded through numerous hadeeth. It is sad that many Muslims do not pay attention to adopt the Islamic Manners rather they restrict their view of religion merely to Ibadat (external acts of worship). May Allah almighty give us all the ability to practise the Sunnah and teachings of Rasulallah (صلى الله عليه وسلم). Importance of Appearance Shaykh Abdul-Fattaah Abu Ghuddah (RA). Islam advocates this etiquette and stresses it so as to perfect the Muslim personality and to bring about harmony among people. There is no doubt that embodying such manners and virtues enhances personal style and qualities, refines personality and brings us closer to the hearts and minds of others. The forthcoming manners and etiquette are central to Islam, its purposes and its aims. Calling it ‘etiquette’ by no means implies that it is marginal to life and social behaviour. It does not mean Muslims have the option of ignoring this code of behaviour, or that it is merely preferable to adhere to it. In pointing out that manners rank higher than deeds, Imam Al-Qar�fi in his book Al-Furw’q said, ‘Learn that a little etiquette is better than a lot of good actions.’ Rw’aim, the righteous scholar, told his son, ‘Oh my son, make your deeds salt, and your manners flour.’ Many good manners with few good deeds are better than many good deeds with few good manners. Even if some of these rules appear to be simple common courtesy, it is important to highlight their significance. Many Muslims commit errors which blemish the Islamic personality, whose purpose is meant to be unique in its beauty, perfection and traits. Our master, the Messenger of Allah (صلى الله عليه وسلم) directed the blessed companions by saying: ‘You are on your way to meet your brothers, put on a nice dress and fix your riding so you appear distinct among people as a fleck [on a beautiful face]. Allah does not like roughness nor rough manners.’ When the Prophet, peace be upon him, said: ‘No one will enter Paradise if they have at heart a grain of arrogance.’ A man asked: ‘A man may like his dress to be nice and his shoes nice.’ The Prophet answered ‘Allah is beautiful and likes beauty. Arrogance is to deny rights and look down at people.’ Shaikh Ibn Taimia said that the beauty that Allah likes include nice clothes. Hence it could be said that Allah likes all nice things. Therefore, a Muslim ought to be recognized by neat dress, cleanliness and graceful appearance.
Posted on: Sun, 14 Jul 2013 05:36:40 +0000

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