Important DAG Kaiserslautern election & potluck lunch January - TopicsExpress


Important DAG Kaiserslautern election & potluck lunch January 24th, 2015 (Saturday) from @ 13:00 - 15:30 We need as many members as possible To attend this important meeting! I hope everyone enjoyed the holidays and are looking forward to a fulfilling & event filled New Year! Our first big meeting of the New Year will be Saturday the 24th of this month for our Chapter Chair elections! Anyone interested in running for the office should contact our DAG National Director (Mr. Quaide Williams at the address below) and send a brief candidate statement by Jan. 21 (if you would like to nominate yourself in advance). Alternately, a nomination can be made from the floor (you may nominate yourself) and seconded by another member present at the meeting. For a complete description of the office of Chapter Chair and the official election procedures, please click on the link provided below. Mr. Quaide Williams will also be sending an official notification of the election to each of our members in the next 2-3 days. Please make a note to check your in box. We need to have a quorum of at least (12) members present for the results of our chapter chair election to be automatically recognized and it would make me proud if we could exceed that number (a great show of support for our new Chapter Chair)! If you havent been to a meeting for a while, please try to put this one on your priority list! We need you and you (as always) are more than welcome! In this potluck get-together aside from the usual great food and chance to catch up with each other, we will also be looking ahead to 2015 and the presidential elections for 2016! Please let me hear from you--or just come by for an enjoyable and important afternoon I will really look forward to seeing everyone. So: ***Be sure to mark your calendars! ***(Bring your favorite dishes)! ***The meeting will be at: Ron & Amys house (Directions and contact info below) ***The Election of Chapter Chair for DA Germany Kaiserslautern Chapter***! Election for Kaiserslautern Chapter Chair Elections for positions in Democrats Abroad Germany (DAG) happen every two years. In January 2015 we must hold an election for the position of chapter chair for our chapter. Any registered member of our chapter (who has been a member for at least 28 days) may announce their candidacy. This is an opportunity to be in a leadership role during the 2016 elections. Everyone is encouraged to consider nominations and participate in the election. Candidate Nominations You can nominate any member of the chapter including yourself. Self-Nomination Send an email to Quaide Williams (DAG Chair) [email protected] announcing your desire to run. Please use “Self Nomination for Kaiserslautern Chapter Chair” as the subject line. Include a short Candidate Statement of not more than 250 words! You can reference any qualifications including experience, desires, ambitions and enthusiasm for the position in relation to DAG. Previous candidate statements are available on the DAG website that can serve as a template for your personal statement. Nominating Another Person Send an email to Quaide William (DAG Chair) [email protected] with the name of the person you are nominating along with their email address. Please use “Nomination for Kaiserslautern Chapter Chair” as the subject line. Chapter Chair Duties Attached is a PDF with a list of the activities for the chapter chair, or you can click this link to a site with this PDF and the election rules: If you have questions about these duties, please contact Quaide or me for details. In general, the chair is responsible for the monthly meetings and the Get Out the Vote activities for the chapter. The chair can recruit volunteers to help with the actual work involved. Pre-Election All members in the chapter will receive an email with the list of candidates and their candidate statements before the election. Election The election will be in person. The following is the information about the election: Date: 1/24/15 (Saturday) Time: 14:00 (Food Begins at 13:00, and the election itself starts at 14:00 so, please try to come as soon after 13:00 as possible)! Location: Ron and Amys House (Directions as follows) Date & Time **January 24th, 2015 (Saturday) **13:00 to 15:30 (Election will take place at 14:00)!! Where (Directions) **Hosted by: Ron Schlundt & Amy Peaceman 1) Drive to the Autobahn A6 (runs east/west) & drive in the direction of Landstuhl. Take exit #13 - Landstuhl-Ost - and at the bottom of the off-ramp take the L363 in the direction of Landstuhl. Follow the L363 where it will intersect with Saarbrücker Straße at a traffic light in a T. 2) Take a left onto Saarbrücker Straße. Saarbrücker Straße bends to the right and will turn into Kaiserstraße. 3) Follow along Kaiserstraße staying to the right as it merges straight into Ludwigstraße at a traffic light. (appx. - 0.4km) 4) At the traffic light remain right onto Ludwigstraße. Follow Ludwigstraße until it intersects with Hauptstraße (appx. - 0.3km). 5) Make a slight left jog going straight across Hauptsraße to enter Schloßstraße. 6) Follow Schloßstraße (appx. - 0.2 km) to Bergsteige. 7) Stay left onto Bergsteige (appx. - 0.1 km). Ron and Amys house is on the right. Map to Ron & Amys: https://dl.dropboxusercontent/u/71676768/Map%20to%20Ron%20%26%20Amy%27s%20House.pdf Address Bergsteige 2, 66849, Landstuhl (06371-62955) Note: 1) This will be a lunch time potluck (bring your favorite dishes) 2) Some drinks will be provided 3) We will have a short program (besides the election). This will probably be a DVD or video presentation. And, of course, we will have discussions about the presentation and discussions (always something to look forward to)! Election Rules Democrats Abroad is recognized as a state Party by the Democratic National Committee (DNC). As such, we must abide by the by-laws of the DNC for elections. In addition, Democrats Abroad and Democrats Abroad Germany have by-laws that also define the election rules. Although the rules may seem bureaucratic at the chapter level, they must be followed to ensure there is no contest of the election results. A copy of the rules has been attached (or click on the link above or below). These apply to candidates as well as voters. https://dl.dropboxusercontent/u/71676768/DAG%20Chapter%20Chair%20%28Elections%29.pdf #2 ***Election for DAG Treasurer***! Additionally, DAG must elect a new Treasurer. Ron Schlundt has held this position for two consecutive terms and he is not allowed to run consecutively for a third. DAG would like a Treasurer from Kaiserslautern, because the DAG account is in Kaiserslautern (Landstuhl office). Ron could then help the new person out more easily, and the transition would be smoother. The person has to be elected, of course, and is encouraged to attend the AGM (Annual General Meeting), which will be in Mainz or Wiesbaden in February or March. This is where the election will be held. The Treasurer has always been from the Kaiserslautern chapter, although that is NOT required in any bylaws or rules: just tradition. If you (or any members that you might recommend or a member you think would be good for this position), please let either myself, or Mr. Quaide Williams at the address above know! This is an important and traditionally Kaiserslautern Chapter position that would be nice to keep in Kaiserslautern. We have some great people in our chapter and it would be great to keep this position in the Kaiserslautern Chapter! Looking forward to seeing you soon! Neal Taylor Chapter Chair - Kaiserslautern Democrats Abroad Germany
Posted on: Fri, 09 Jan 2015 04:28:18 +0000

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