Important Latin Abbreviations _________________________ • - TopicsExpress


Important Latin Abbreviations _________________________ • LL.B - Legum Baccalaureus [Bachelor of Laws] • LL.M - Legum Magister [Master of Laws] • LL.D - Legum Doctor [Doctor of Laws] The two Ls are often confused us to mean, but the actual abbreviation is based on the Latin words as shown above. In Latin abbreviations, the plural form of a word is indicated by doubling the letter, for example “ pp. is Latin abbreviation for – pages. hence ‘LL.’ is short for Laws. Legum is the plural form of the Latin word lex, which means specific laws. _________________________________________ • Ead. - eadem - The same • Id. - Idem - The same • ibid. - ibidem - In the same place • i.a. - inter alia - Among other things • i.e. - id est - That is, / in other words • viz. - videlicet - Namely / that is to say • vs or v. - versus - Against _________________________________________ • a quo - Previous • ab extra - From outside • ab initio - From the beginning • actus reus - Guilty act • ad hoc - For this • ad idem - To the same thing • ad valorem - According to value • affidavit - A formal statement of fact • Audi alteram partem - Hear the other side • bona fide - In good faith • bona vacantia - Ownerless goods • caveat emptor - Let the buyer beware • consensus ad idem - Agreement as to the subject or object of the contract. • cui bono - As a benefit to whom? • de facto - Concerning fact • doli incapax - Incapable of guilt • ejusdem generis - Of the same class • ex facie - On the face • ex officio - From the office • ex post facto law - A law that makes a past act illegal that was not illegal when it was done. • in camera - In the chamber • in pari materia - In the same matter • locus standi - The right of a party to appear and be heard before a court. • male fide - Bad faith • mens rea - Guilty mind • nemo dat quod non habet - No one gives what he doesnt have. • obiter dictum - A thing said in passing • pro bono publico - For the public good • quid pro quo - This for That • ratio decidendi - Reason for the decision • res judicata - A matter that has been finally adjudicated, no further appeals or legal actions by the involved parties is now possible. • stare decisis - The obligation of a judge to stand by a prior precedent. • sui generis - Something that is unique amongst a group. • supra - Above • vis major - Act of God
Posted on: Sun, 28 Sep 2014 08:24:13 +0000

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