Important Message from President Cox You dont deserve another - TopicsExpress


Important Message from President Cox You dont deserve another pay cut from Congress. But you may be headed for one. Thats why I need you to call your lawmakers right now. You may be forced to pay more for your pension - beginning next year - if some of the lawmakers working to negotiate a budget deal have their way. Were hearing that those lawmakers are proposing to more than triple what you pay for your pension. Thats an additional $20 billion pay cut over the next ten years on top of the $113 billion federal employees have already sacrificed. And that doesnt include lost wages from furloughs. The very idea of asking you or any federal employee to sacrifice another penny makes my blood boil. Thats why Im asking every AFGE member, family member and friend to call their lawmakers right now - your Representative and both of your Senators. Weve got to stop this proposal in its tracks. Call Your Lawmakers Toll Free: 1-888-775-3148. If you dont want more money coming out of your paycheck, you owe it to yourself to take to make your phone calls right now. We cant stop this without Congress feeling the heat back home. Its up to you. There is no justification for demanding any more pay cuts from federal employees in any budget deal. Congress can and should end the Sequester and their budget cutting fever by capping contractor pay and closing the tax loopholes for big corporations that ship jobs overseas or park hundreds of billions of dollars in foreign bank accounts. Middle income federal employees have already paid their fair share many times over. AFGE, the unions of the AFL-CIO and our coalition partners are joining forces across the country to demand that Congress pass a fair deal for working families. You wont be alone in making your calls. But at a time when so much is at stake we have got to take the lead in this effort. Your lawmaker must hear from you. Call right now: 1-888-775-3148. Lawmakers need to hear a very, very loud chorus of ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.
Posted on: Wed, 04 Dec 2013 21:38:40 +0000

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