Important Suggestions for CSIR-NET Exam by Mr. - TopicsExpress


Important Suggestions for CSIR-NET Exam by Mr. Gajanan. SHORTEST ROUTE TO CLEAR NET (PART 1): Good evening all. This post has been written to help NET aspirants to clear NET in shortest span of time. Being writer of post, let me assure you that using this method you will be very accurate and precise in NET preparation. The post will be divided in four parts. Part I will deal with developing positive attitude which is the most important thing to clear NET. Part II will deal with importance of paper I in clearing NET. Part III will deal with study techniques that must be used to prepare Paper II and Paper III and Last part IV will deal with answers to your queries. The method is applicable for all subjects. The first post is being released today. If you like this post, please tell me so that I will upload next posts. Post I: M. Sc. Exam of my students finished just couple of days back. Two of M. Sc. Students came to meet me in concern with preparation for NET exam. The first question they asked me was will it be possible for them to study and qualify NET if they study for next 30 days. Its because only 30 days are left for CSIR NET exam. I just looked at them and asked if they really wanted to qualify NET? Both of them nodded their head and said they will be very happy to qualify NET just by studying 30 days. I replied that 30 days is too big time to qualify NET. I just suggested them to take rest for two days and then come back to me as I knew that they were pretty exhausted after their semester exam. While they went out of my cabin, my colleague professor who was sitting next to me was highly surprised and said to me whether I was kidding them saying that 30 days too big time to qualify NET. He said that people are studying for NET from last few month, few years and some of them from last few decades and still they are not able to qualify NET and how you can assure them that they can qualify NET in 30 days. I said him that its really possible to qualify NET. I am sure that all of you must be surprised at this but its real. You can qualify NET in next 30 days, provided you do things properly. Clearing NET is like opening Godrej Lock. Imagine a big godrej lock, and you want to open it. There are two ways in which it can be done. One difficult way is to hit it with stones and open it. Its time consuming way and don’t know whether it will lead to success. Another way is a very simple one. Just get a key of it and open it in very less time with less effort. I think most of us trying to open up NET lock by using first method. The method which is called hard study method where we are reading hundreds of books just one after the other from last so many years and still are unable to clear NET. The second method which I call as smart study method is followed by only few of us and it involves reading only few pages of text in very small time and to clear NET. I am sure that you will like to listen to know what smart study means. Let me to start tell you what do I mean by smart study. In my last 17 years of NET guidance (its done freely to everybody), I have noticed one thing that 70 % of students who fail NET have are very serious hard workers. At the same time, it was surprising to observe that 70 % of students who have cleared NET have never studied very seriously. You will agree with me that you might have seen many such people who have cleared NET looking at whom you feel “I don’t believe that this fellow cleared it. He was very ordinary and was never a hard worker”. I have seen many of such people in my life who were very ordinary and still have managed to clear NET. On the contrary, I have seen many gold medalist and very brilliant students getting repeated failures in NET exams. (This sometimes make me to conclude that hard study wont help to clear NET.) We see such a contradictory thing because I feel that clearing NET requires strong reasoning ability and some people inherently have it and thus they clear NET even without reading single page also (Ref. Many of my students have cleared NET in appearing but have failed in their semester exams). As reasoning ability cant be developed by reading books alone, many of very talented, hard working students could not manage to clear NET. I will be dealing with developing reasoning ability in last part and I will be soon uploading my video on you tube regarding same. Let me start with the first and foremost thing without which we can never pass NET. Its positive attitude. I feel that its almost impossible to qualify NET without positive attitude. Lets see what does positive attitude means wrt NET exam. I personally believe that if you are studying hard from more than one year and in spite of that you are not able to clear NET then there is more likely that there is a problem somewhere. Its necessary to check where the problem is? I am not an expert or doctor to tell you where actually your problem is? But having cleared NET/SET 10 times consecutively, I can suggest you to use following questionary? It may probably help you to find your problem in clearing NET. The first question that you should ask yourself is: Q. 1) What is your attitude towards looking at life? A) Optimistic or B) Pessimistic If answer is optimistic, then you are definitely going to clear NET in next attempt. This is because optimistic people believe that “Even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise.” The problem with Pessimistic people is that they are negative towards any thing in the life. There is a phrase in English that “I never saw a pessimistic general win a battle”. Thus we need to be optimistic towards life as well as NET. One of my student who did lot of hard work for NET met me just before entering into NET exam hall. When I asked him about his possible performance in the NET which was going to start just after half an hour, he nodded his head saying no. He said “I wont be able to clear NET”. When I asked him why he feels like that, he replied saying that “He could not complete his study satisfactory”. He wanted my blessings and thus said me to pray for his success. I gave him blessings but in mind I said that not me but even god cant help you to clear NET. I felt pity at the fellow since I have read book SECRET which is all about Law of attraction. The book says that there is something called as universal energy whose work is to fulfil your every wish. The hypothesis of the book is that if you bring any thought in mind no matter whether positive or negative, the work of Universal energy is to help you achieving that. This belief is based upon the idea that people and their thoughts are both made from pure energy, and the belief that like energy attracts like energy. One example used by a proponent of the law of attraction is that if a person opened an envelope expecting to see a bill, then the law of attraction would confirm those thoughts and contain a bill when opened. A person who decided to instead expect a cheque might, under the same law, find a cheque instead of a bill. Strange to believe but it really works. I have used this method and seen miracles happening in my life. Now let us see how this law worked on my student. When he said “I wont be able to clear NET”, the thought went to universal energy and universal energy got a message that the fellow wants to fail in the exam and thus universal energy said तथास्तु. The energy started doing its working in such a manner that the student fails in the exam. I don’t know how was the performance of that student in exam but I received a call from him after couple of months saying that he has failed in the exam. Initially, when Ph. D. student of mine (named Sharan Khanapure, who is there in my friends list on facebook) told me about book called secret and the hypothesis, I thought he was joking. I thought How can any body make things to happen as per his thoughts? I did not believed him. I was very much pessimistic in my life. My day use to start with negative thoughts in the early morning and use to end with negative thoughts in the night. I thought why not to try the secret book formula once. I thought of changing myself. I thought of trying secret formula. I changed my thoughts. I tried to bring positive thoughts in mind. Initially it was difficult because my mind was used to negative thoughts for 35 years. How could it change suddenly? But when I tried thinking positively, I was surprised to see positive results in my life. All things started happening as per my thoughts. I came to know that I got lot of negative results so many times in my life because of my negative thoughts. I have seen most people filled with negative thoughts and negative emotions. These people have always got negative results in their life because there thoughts have turned into reality. One day I decided to use this formula on students appearing for NET exam. I told them to start thinking that they have cleared NET right form their preparation days. Some of the students argued that nothing will happen because of this. But when I forced them to do so, they thought that they have done so much for clearing NET why not to try this formula. I did experiments with few students. They started imagining that they have cleared NET. When they agreed of imagining, I told that only imagining will never help, they will have to feel that happiness within while they are imagining that they have cleared NET (Manifestation). They agreed for that also as They were ready to do any thing for clearing NET. The miracle happened. When they went to the exam, they were asked most of the questions from the books which they have read. They were happy with their performance. When the result was declared, almost all of the cleared NET. Thus, I believe that being positive will help you to achieve anything in life. Thus lets try be positive from today. Its said “Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habit. Watch your habits; they become character. Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.” Thus lets change our thinking style from today. Don’t ever allow negative thoughts to come in your mind. Think positively at everything, at every moment even if u feel that its impossible. You will find impossible things becoming possible. I apologize for spelling mistakes and grammar. I will upload next post very soon.
Posted on: Sun, 23 Nov 2014 07:24:02 +0000

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