Important and ALL invited: Must read all, through: I have an - TopicsExpress


Important and ALL invited: Must read all, through: I have an idea, and started it. It might seem too extreme, but can fit into the cycle team and I believe should be a ficus of the first and second agenda meeting once we nail down a s date which an adjective with this email too. To complete, I/we must commit and I am wiling and able with a two backs, beside Johann (as I was thinking she may have other needs first and after talking with on my health, this will be fun for her, and will help, but may need to deal with her own personal pressures and such and o I secure others that have time, emotional detached from me, but community focused. Let me try to shortly explain, so you have an idea and can start thinking if this really something you will want to be involved with because it WILL get national and international exposure, BUT require less of (time, energy, etc ., and I added a few people to list): - Our primary goal was to bring business to the City of York-we can do that, but more. -The means to get there, a bit different- through the people with same, new/fresh/same/ more diverse in a means that may better appeal to them, their (and a changing world) need/wants due to time/resourses energy, style, etc. Older or more traditional means not working as well. But other venues are (social medial, as I researched, Youtube, etc,(from Harvard, Yale, New York Times, Times, Bloomsburg Weekly, Wallstreet journal, MIT, Major schools of film/media as a focus. etc. - But to get national help we must appeal to a larger audience in way that is personal. - York is unique for our size city. - I have watched (and simply have not shared, because I new their was a connection, but didnt know how, why or if relevant or have any real tangle relationship to where York really currently stood and what its real potential could be or as many paths it could land after kurt attempts and/or others all done independently (or not) and only with a slight twist. - I say we need and can achieve our goal, but in a faster way more lucrative (bout from both insiders and outsiders, faster upfront, and the rest same or more but just longer more sustainable in long run. - stick with me (smile): a movie. (done in 3 complete on their own, but writer/produced and pushed on You tube and create space (where can be bought), and mergers as a feature). But from a unique angle: most movies, news converge is this- the th growing gap between the lower and upper class and increase of ghost towns and the over run but fragile (in some cases) extreme wealthy US (and other cities ) surrounded by then that.,, like NYC or some areas in South Africa, Detroit, etc. - All done with no/tiny physical cost. I do need an computer, but.. will get there by time film is done I hope. to least one of you or a friend might down load the movie (3 series of youtube videos) on their computer and upload to Youtube and createspace (completely free). - how it will be unique and hence of potential interest to all sorts of people in York, PA and regionally, nationally or internationally: Short segments done in medium many are moving to (digestible), yet done to be strung to appeal to others that fit and make sense as a movie, gives hope to the largest class of people affected. than what is bringing targeted. for help. The middle class is being lost. We are engaging them and working for them immediately. - Done (and yes strategically, but unfortunately true, real, and will get the attention of others for other reasons. A movie soley done by an autistic, previous professional, artist, yonder (between the gap being focused on, who is actively dying. I have done wed videos that were major successes. this will be bigger and successful- I just know it. my last launged and an international team on the highnest of levels for human factoring. (boring topic, but it got a movement going and continue to grow all from a 5 minute video and a 40 page book and a stated set of next steps. Now, I do nothing but have people reach that they saw or read or was wondering this os that about it, or how they can do it and and and.... - theme of movie (or the 3-segments made into a movie: - Use the status of where York is as a common (more common than you think.. yet better ion some ways and worse in others (think of Harrisburg and Trenton and worse that could happen Detroit or better think Brooklyn. We can be a brooklyn or better with a more solidly build foundation. (I have ideas of how written down from the start of us talking about and me prepared for our short cycle team (I am augmenting and changing slightly due to this. - I will film York at its best, middle and worse, personally. Dop it differently that Joe Nardelli did of the movie of my lives work as I have rebooked at that it reallyisnt that and not as well done as could be, took to long even for me as the subject and didnt really convoyed much except Michele DeMeo. No! this is about York.... I had only volunteered for that (get no royalties) IF it was to be filmed in Provincetown and York. that did happen and some GREAT pieces of others are in it (Dr. G... FABULOUS, Michael McCarry wonderful, others). Joe did a good job, but he missed the mark on the objective. I think we can improve the following and time 5 minutes of raw, no recuts, of the some of the following for the said purposes: a) Julie Willianson: for too many reasons to list, my dear friend! b.) Dr. Dominic Glorioso and one other Physician Healthcare in general Dr. G to select as I trust his judgement on this piece, what is needed for physicians to do their job and more than just survive. c) Kim Bracey: 5 mionutes, 3 questions (or more IF she can and wants on: a) ....b).... 3..... d) Caroline Morris: As previously stated, eased buy error,but to show how challenges and such related to doing to that did work and trying to make incremental change when maybe others are not comfortable, inclusive, hard when set in own ways, or or or... very bright woman. e) Cherie Mansberger on fast change and plus and negatives of just doing f) Steve Mansberger on construction and artistry needs, complications and outcomes when down with thoughtful purpose (done interview style by me and/or have hiom freely add to at the end if my line of questions sur his thoughts and comfort level to the raw moment. g) Margaret Glatfelter: A view of her work, struggles of work, purpose of work, needing venue and benefits of her work and challenges in a town like York. Done by interview and free flow from her having experience in a larger city and location in York, (mixing modalities of her work, that influences people mind body and soul and intimately- I would imagine how her clients live fee, behave the quality of their life once session is over. In the moment changes and feel goods are wonderful..but for some if it can be carried out and externally practiced, even in small ways, the community, beside nucleus family (and maybe larger) will befit). f) Walt R.: written responses from an email (if willing and able or anything on his terms (except.... I cannot fly as most lilmmarkers would do. We could Skype or talk on phone, but do to your schedule and work ( 5-7 written questions and you can answer all or none, come up with own or just freely dicate to someone to write or bullet point ideas that you think may or may not be realtied (believe me i read and decipher.or or (a video skype session or other recorded video piece emailed me (2-3 minutes) ( can share how if needed) perfect as I cannot come to you. g) the Elizabethes and Christopher: They are the owners of the Gabriels at the Ashford in at Provicetown. Questions invertiew style written pre- and filmed for 5-10 minutes at they ability in Sept (this september between 6- 10, if possible. On: morphing nothing into something, evolution, but by way of a community... you see their story has not been told. Hand building from raw (and no offense as the spirit was raw in the mot impressively lovingly way to something as special but different, and yet have had its ups and downs in different forms business, etc... and yet is completely different in a same great way, but different..... a true business woman and equality patented wife and son) set of visionaries. Her ability can help york and her style will be evident as a subjectin the film as will elizabeth and the ever candid Christopher. h) Someone one from Media or community out reach, or or or from Wellspan (NOT Josette Myers), Even Rick A., but unclear of role or interest, but he is MORE than welcome. maybe keith Knoll or the medical director or or or or.... by way of an preset of questions and filming. i) A homeless York city resident, a very lower income, but not low enough to benefit from programs, a middle-cless and upper class member- thinking Marilyn hake or someone else as passionate) - interview and filming. j.) Scott C. (Yes, some work and story known, but not enough, but his tenacity transfers and ways can be an example, plus... he derivers a venue to learned about in a much larger way. (Scott our other matter - your book still there). k) David Pritchard- from a more conservative person and company that works by way of Skype (videoed) or interview with words that I could quote. or or (a video skype session or other recorded video piece emailed me (2-3 minutes) ( can share how if needed) perfect as I cannot come to you. l) Sue M- written responses from an email (if willing and able or anything on his terms (except.... I cannot fly as most lilmmarkers would do. We could Skype or talk on phone, but do to your schedule and work ( 5-7 written questions and you can answer all or none, come up with own or just freely dicate to someone to write or bullet point ideas that you think may or may not be realtized (believe me i read and decipher.or or (a video skype session or other recorded video piece emailed me (2-3 minutes) ( can share how if needed) perfect as I cannot come to you. Why Sue: talented, dynamic, will film well, has energy and passion unlike any I know... sets the job done and fast and well... moves people.... get them to follow her lead... friend because we connect just on many levels, and I know she will addd a layer for the bigger causes this will intertwine with, becsides a great company. m). Lynn E. : A man with a such a diverse background, well rounded personality, extremely untraditional in a personal sense and yet very business minded and a unique perspective that will appeal to woman very differently than most men. (The largest segment of who we need to reach, outide of business still (but improving) men that mainly are the CEO;s of companies). n.) Jon P: A equality gifted and determined person with determination and great piece in industry! A set of questions or in area come to me and be filmed???? It would be an honor and I do think you are i area, but not sure. o)A surprise person- wink p.) Free style silent filming of the sheer and deep spectrum of the physical area (from all actual current conditions of York) by me... in my chair in silence. with a sentence at the end that sums up the view to leave a personal impression of what is and what can be. q.) anyone else? (share r.) and thing else? (share) s.)who I will pitch to: (3) sets of people equally about 17, 000 people with a indirect or direct, unknown immediately to me near or just over a 2-3 million. ------------------- - What I IMMEDIATELY will need: (hence all must relied to when responding, so no duplications occur and it ALL Transparent. And know if you dont, I will respond to you but include all... for ethical reasons: a) a computer (i have researched 1) About $2100-2300.00 for that (ALL receipts will be kept and made public for our group, if needed and wanted to whoever may contribute), Any money not used ( I will equally divided and provide back to all... (as I will need to make an assumption you to who ever you ask and do contribute gave what they could and the only fair and easy way to do is to simply divide up by the number of contributors (even of openly a small about with a copy of ALL receipts) NONE OF THIS WILL BE USED FOR MY PERSONSAL USE.. remember, I was cleared by the FDA (by their nomination to try to the accepted as one only 8 highest ranging in field for security reasons (trade secrete info i would bne exposed to that take down companies or cause market shifts shifts in industry nationally and internationally if I were dishonest.) YOU CAN VET MY CLEARANCE as now a SGE only (used to do committee work, but had to resign from that, but still considered SGE through the FDA. 2) (1) more person for me to bounce ideas off of outside of meeting (not ever immediately, at you time ability for about (1) month, 3) $1000.00 for the following: Duncan donut coffee cards (to give out to homeless (one of the places struggling in town of them still provide free coffee and allow, judgement free area from them to drink and eat and not be rushed), an attachment for the cameral I have that will work with any computer I get- I have the camera already, just need good multi-light as i am going paralyzed, easy to attach to power chair, bed, Filming any skype interviews for movie, etc... some expected/unexpected expensive (I have truly no personal funds and have own efforts to raise cash to live and such for the next 2-3 months or I would pay all on my own) d) A physical person for about a hour or two 2- times from Oct-Nov to come to me in my apt to help me upload and I give side by side direction, easy and I will feed you and try to make fun for you I WILL MAKE THIS HAPPEN< SOMEHOW, even if no one helps me.... dont know how, but damn will. Will not be as easy, may take longer, harm me a bit as i am sick, but I am convicted this will help in a larger scale all the while others in different reasons. I have never missed a deadline. Thoughts? Please e candid. We are at a critical life point and juncture and I just have gut, researched, will continue too, and know with will work in someway. Again, I do KNOW, who busy you all are. I actually am too (in a different way each day, trying to stay live and make a difference as small as can be, volunteer to SPD members weekly non-stop and write and such for free...usually. counter speeches and videos. No ever now or ever at you level...but always at my personal best in the moment and this is true and will continue through this. I Need this things, bluntly and quickly done, efficiently, and answered by all to all. This is to be most efficient, fasted, cheapest, most effective and achievable. If no, dont feel bad or guilty, just say no, but to all- for everything: Thank you for reading and considering: Michele DeMeo 40 Grant Street apt 1 York, PA 17401 (use waterwordsbikes and Linkedin.) (717) 814-2869 or Johann at (717) 843-9153 (her personal voice mail and her personal email [email protected] (email to all BEST and MOST EFFECTIVE and TRANSPARENT-no double work. Have a Fabulous day and great Holiday.... know I will be working on this and enjoying Johann. Enjoy your tradition or work or family or whatever you select! M (pass this on to as many as possible and someone send to Kim Bracey please, lost her email. Thank you, again! M — with Caroline Morris and 19 others.
Posted on: Mon, 01 Sep 2014 10:05:32 +0000

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