Important encounters are planned the the souls long before the - TopicsExpress


Important encounters are planned the the souls long before the bodies see each other,... Its is a connection of two hearts,... An invisible thread connects those who are destined to meet,... Regardless of time, place or circumstance,... The thread may stretch or tangle,... But it will never break,... An invisible bond that combines two souls together,... An unconditional commitment to an imperfect person,... A meeting of two souls,... Two souls that bask in the same energy,... Two hearts that beat in tandem,... Two minds that meld harmoniously in thought,... Two beings that unite for a common divine purpose,... Two hearts linked with desires that overflow,... Instinctive passions never before known,... Sincere commitment only they can share,... Unconditional for life,... Love un-compared,... Its so amazing when someone comes into your life and you expect nothing out of it,... But suddenly there right In front of you is everything you ever want and need,... You meet thousands of people and none of them really touch you,... And then you meet one person and your life is changed forever,... Sometimes you meet someone,... A soul mate,... And its so clear that the two of you belong together,... As Lovers,... You Click,... You just work,... Whether you understand one another or youre in love or youre partners in crime,... You meet these people throughout life,... Out of nowhere,... Under the strangest circumstances,... And they help you feel alive,... A Soul mates purpose is to shake you up,... Tear apart your ego a little bit,... Show you your obstacles and addictions,... Break your heart open so new light can get in,... Make you so out of control that you transform your life,... People think that a soul mate is your perfect fit,... And thats what everyone wants,... But a true soul mate is a mirror of that person who shows you everything that is holding you back,... The person who brings out your own attention so you can change your life,... A true soul mate is probably the most import person youll ever meet,... Because they tear down all your walls and smack you awake,... A Soul mate is like a best friend but more,... Its the one person in the world who knows you better than anyone else,... That someone who helps makes you a better person by the way they inspire you,... A Soul mate is someone you carry with your forever,... Its the one person who knew you,... Accepted and believed in you before anyone else would or could,... And no matter what happens,... Youll always love them and nothing can change that,... Sometimes you cant describe what you see in a person,... Its just the way they take you to a place where no one else can,... When you listen with your heart and understand with your soul,... Your bond is eternal,... When we come to another with love in our heart,... Asking nothing,... Only offering that love,... We will create miraculous relationships,... We are all wired to find love,... And when we meet someone who radiates it,... We naturally crave their company,... The best love is the kind that awakens the soul,... That makes us reach for more,... That plants fire in our hearts and brings peace to our minds,... Love is the Strongest of all emotions for it attacks not only your heart but also your mind,... When love is not madness,... Its not love,... There is no remedy for love but to love More,... Mad passionate love should be experienced at least once in a Lifetime,... Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take,... But by the moments that take our breath away,... When two who have suffered find each other,... Their bond is like steel,... They become each others soul mates and comfort from the storm of life,... At the same time,... They stir the deepest, darkest, passions and wildest animalistic desires in each other,... What greater thing is there for two humans,... Than to feel that they are joined for life,... To strengthen each other in all labor,... To rest on each other in all sorrow,... To minister each other in all pain,... To be one with each other in silent unspeakable memories at the moment of the last parting,... Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies,... Its a commitment to protecting another persons heart with the same passion you use to guard your own,... Intimacy is not purely physical,... Its the act of connecting so deeply with someone you can see into their soul,... Physical attractions are common,... A mental connection is rare,... A guy out there was meant to be the love of your life,... Your best friend,... Your Soul mate,... The one you can tell your dreams to,... Hell brush the hair out of your eyes,... Send you flowers or gifts when you least expect it,... Hell stare at you during a movie even though he paid $ to see it,... Hell call to say goodnight or just because hes missing you,... Hell look into your eyes and tell you youre the most beautiful girl in the world and for the very first time youll believe it,... Be patient for someone who looks into your eyes and speaks to you in a thousand silent ways,... Someone who could start fires with what the feel for you,... Someone whos in your bones,... Your heart and Soul,... Someone you have to tear yourself open to let them go,... Be patient enough to wait for someone that is in love with your mind,... Someone who can make you feel like the luckiest person in the world,... Someone that wants to undress your conscious and make love to your thoughts,... Someone that wants to watch you slowly take down the walls youve build up around your mind and let them inside,... Be with someone who makes you smile without even trying,... Gives you butterflies every time you speak,... Someone who can see a future with you,... Melts your heart with a simple smile,... Works to make you happy,... And tells you his future is only with you,... Find someone who isnt afraid to admit they miss you,... Someone who knows that youre not perfect but treats you as if you are,... Someone whos biggest fear is losing you,... One who gives their heart completely,... Someone who says I LOVE YOU and means it,... Find someone who falls in love with you again and again every time they see you,... Dont settle for lukewarm love,... Find a love that burns your lips and engulfs your soul,... Find someone who sees the fire in your eyes and wants to play with it,... Find someone who is addicted to you,... Whos tasted your mind and cannot forget its flavor,... Find someone who gets lost in your heart and soul,... And who looks at you like you are magic,... Find someone who kisses you and takes your breath away,... Who makes your skin tingle with electricity,... And leaves you feeling dizzy and drunk,... Lips are the fingerprints of love,... Lips were invented because words sometimes fail,... Find someone who doesnt need your words to know when its time to kiss you,... A kiss seals two souls for a moment in time,... The best kiss is the one that has been exchanged a thousand times between the eyes before it reaches the lips,... The act of passionate kissing should never be taken lightly,... One day youll kiss someone and know those are the lips you want to kiss for the rest of your life,... A kiss when done right can ignite a fire within,... It can do more than touch,... It can breathe life into a soul and fan embers long forgotten or yet discovered,... That all consuming kiss that truly means something,... Sharing it with someone special that you cant get out of your head,... So that when your lips finally do touch, its electric,... Cosmic,... They stir emotions in your heart and your very soul,... When you find that right person,... That kiss finally is everything,... All Consuming,... Earth shattering, Spine tingling,... Mind blowing,... Epic,... In that moment,... Its undeniable that your soul has found a mate,...You are home,... It feels amazing to be touched by the person who understands your mind,... The person who acknowledges your flaws and loves your soul,... Find arms that will hold you at your weakest times,... Eyes that will see your beauty at your ugliest times,... And a heart that will love you at your worst,... To love without condition,... To talk without intention,... To give without reason,... And care without Expectation,... Love without Fear,... Trust without questioning,... Need without demanding,... Accept without change,... Want without restrictions,... Desire without inhibitions,... A love so free, Will never fly away,... Its beautiful when you find someone that is in love with your mind,... Someone that wants to undress your conscious and make love to your thoughts,... Someone that wants to watch you slowly take down the walls youve build up around your mind and let them inside,... The greatest gift you can give someone is your time,... Your attention,... Your Love,... Your Concern,... The best thing in life is finding someone who knows all your flaws,... Mistakes,... And weaknesses and still thinks youre completely amazing,... Love is not finding someone you can live with,... Its finding someone you cant live without,... Dont marry someone you can live with,... Marry the person you cant live without,... True love isnt love at first sight,... Its Love at every sight,... The best relationship is when you act like lovers and best friends at the same time,... Wait for the one who would do anything to be your everything,... You must love in such a way that the person you loves feels free,... Right now,... Someone you have or may have no met yet is out there wondering what it would be like to meet someone like you,... Love harder than any pain youve ever felt,... You only have one heart to give and one mind to lose,... Fall in love with someone who will take and protect them both,... Theres nothing quite like being with the right person,... At the right time,... For the right reasons,... If a relationship doesnt make you a better person,... Then you are with the wrong one,... The best love is the one that makes you a better person,... Without changing you into someone other than yourself,... If youre giving your best to someone and its not good enough for them,... Youre giving your best to the wrong person,... You may fall in love with the beauty of someone,... But remember that finally you have to live with the character,... Not the beauty,... Destiny may decide who touches your life,... But only your heart decides who touches your soul,... Time Decides who you meet in your life,... Your heart decides who you want in your life,... Behavior decides who will stay in your life,... A great relationship is about two things,... First,... The Similarities,... Second,... Respect the differences,... Focus on being the right person and the right person will come along,... Be the type of person you want to meet,... Simply be the qualities you seek in others,... We may love the Wrong Person,... And cry over the Wrong Person,... But one thing is for sure,... Our mistakes help us find the Right Person,... Being alone may scare you,... But staying in a bad relationship will damage you,... Your task is not to seek love,... But merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it,... A person must first find themselves,... Before they find their man or woman,... Or theyll damage whatever he or she comes into contact with along the way,.... The People who are meant to be in your life will always gravitate back towards you,... No matter how far they wander,... As you become more clear about who you really are,... Youll be better able to decide what and who is best for you,... Love always finds its own unique way to reach you when the time is right,... When the time is right everything will happen as it was intended to happen,... Put together by Jim Vouzas 2012 WFF Mr Universe & Overalls Winner,... Plz Share this post so all can enjoy and it can reach as many people as possible to help empower and bring positive change in to everyone who reads it,... :)
Posted on: Mon, 29 Dec 2014 06:59:26 +0000

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