***Important message for all of our friends. PLEASE READ - TopicsExpress


***Important message for all of our friends. PLEASE READ ***** Dear Friends, Just over two years ago, we released our first book, Pete the Popcorn. The book was created because Joe Kelley’s young nephew was being bullied on the school bus. Eventually, it came to the point where he had to move schools. We wanted to write a fun story with the general message of children offering encouragement to each other on a daily basis. We were taking a unique approach: flip “anti-bullying” on its head and replace it with “pro-encouraging.” Since then, we have read Pete the Popcorn to over 100,000 school children in 25 states. In addition, we have been approached by countless parents, students and teachers. These folks have ideas for stories and messages which they feel are greatly needed in today’s schools and societies in general. One of the most moving stories we heard was from Cindy. Her son, Tyler, was experiencing constant bullying in his elementary school— because of his weight. Cindy suggested that we work on a story that directly focused on this specific issue. Co-author Nick Rokicki instantly related to Tyler and Cindy. He spent his childhood and high school years very overweight and unhealthy. In his early 20’s, he lost nearly 100 pounds… only to gain it back. Nick understands that weight is a lifelong struggle. To tackle this project, Nick felt like he had to confront his own health issues first. So earlier this year, he began portioning his food, eating more natural food… and exercising. Currently, he’s down 54 pounds and working on reaching his goal. Now, we are working on this new book… a book for the people in this world like Nick and Cindy and Tyler and anyone else that’s struggled with their weight— or has seen a loved one face that battle. The book is called PETE: Play, Eat, Think, Encourage. The message is simple— play (exercise) as much as possible. Eat right. Think about your goals and what you’re putting in your body. Encourage others to do the same. But we need your help. Of course, we love it when people approach us with ideas for stories or messages. But each book costs us approximately $7000 for illustrations, marketing, editing, etc. etc. etc. So we’ve launched a Kickstarter campaign to help fund this project. We’ve already invested over $5000 of our own money in this new book. And we are raising the last little bit which will pay for: 1. Remaining illustration costs. 2. Marketing expenses… like sending copies of the book to Ellen Degeneres, People Magazine and The Today Show. 3. Books to place in classrooms around the country. 4. New display/signage for craft, trade and book shows. 5. School visit information to be sent to schools. Here is the important part: we have reached our $1200 goal on Kickstarter. So this may be an incentive for folks to kick back and think, “well, the goal is reached, so they’re all set.” But most projects on Kickstarter set their goal to a low, realistic amount— when in actuality they could use more. Again, every penny will be used towards making this project the smashing success that it deserves to be. Not just a success for Nick and Joe— but a success that can make a real and positive impact on children and families across the country. There are multiple “reward” levels that you may select on Kickstarter which will get you some cool benefits. But you can also just donate— starting with $1. Nick has lost 54 pounds. Let’s see if we can get 54 backers of this project. Currently, 39 people have pledged $2,375. We need 15 more backers. Will you join us? Healthy kids and families won’t start with legislation or new school lunches. This will happen when communities come together and support projects like this one— projects which discard the stigma that comes with carrying around a few extra pounds and actually show people what to do, in easily understandable ways. THANK YOU in advance for standing with us, supporting us and helping us reach so many people with this message. And Nick would like to extend his personal gratitude— it’s your positive words and encouragement that has kept him on track. Sharing, donating and asking your friends to join us… this is how you get involved. The direct link to pledge is listed in the comments below. #Bullying #Encourage #Farmersmarket #Childhoodobesity #Exercise Sincerely, Joe Kelley and Nick Rokicki
Posted on: Tue, 15 Jul 2014 17:24:14 +0000

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