Impressing others is easy; strive to impress yourself. You can - TopicsExpress


Impressing others is easy; strive to impress yourself. You can lie, cheat, steal, exaggerate, or flaunt to impress others, but ultimately those actions resemble a void youre trying to fill. Live the life that you can be proud of-- not your spouse, not your friends, not your family. Learn to sacrifice without regret, confident that your plan will pay off without the superficial distractions we succumb to. The bars, parties, and fun will always be there--give yourself something to celebrate for and these things will be constructive. Sacrifice without regrets, knowing that what youre doing will be far worth it down the road. It may not show today, tomorrow, or next year, but it WILL show--and when it does, all your sacrifices will be worth it. People often gauge how good their workout was by how tired or sore they feel afterwards. This is complete crap. The point of lifting weights for muscular hypertrophy is PROGRESSIVE OVERLOAD! You must be improving in either weight lifted, reps completed, or total workout volume. I can get sore and exhausted benching the bar if I try hard enough, but it sure as hell isnt going to make me grow! Forget the supersets, drop sets, and muscle confusion and train with a PURPOSE! Be aware, when you change, evolve or try something new you will make people very uncomfortable for 2 reasons. First, they will have to adjust how they are with you. Most people are fearful and lazy so they will resent you for this. Secondly, by you changing, especially for what you believe is the better, you force others to take a look at themselves and the things they would like to change... but change is tough, so they will resent you for making it obvious that they are responsible for their circumstances. Ignore them, and keep Growing Stronger! In time they will either adjust to the new you, choose to grow stronger themselves, or simply disappear 99% of all the fears we have are bullshit. We create these fears in order to keep us in our comfort zones. Anytime you have a fear, you must realize that it is most likely all in your head, yet its so powerful that it has the ability to change your physiology and well being. Behind every fear is the person that you want to be. Anytime you overcome fear, you are that much closer to your true potential. Leave your fears behind, and go after what YOU actually want. If you succeed; great. If you fail; even better. Now youve actually learned something. For many people, their outer appearance is a motivating factor to start an exercise program. For these people, I recommend setting up rewards for themselves in the form of new clothes once their goal has been reached. When they realize that being in shape makes them look better IN clothes too, theyre usually even more motivated to push the envelope further! To finish, Its okay to have your head in the clouds, as long as your feet are on the ground.
Posted on: Fri, 18 Oct 2013 02:17:22 +0000

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