In .07%, Hiro decides to learn as much as he can about the future - TopicsExpress


In .07%, Hiro decides to learn as much as he can about the future to know what went wrong with his attempts to stop the bomb. He and Ando enter Isaacs apartment, but find it netted with newspaper articles suspended on strings, each article relating to the explosion and even the heroes themselves. Just then, Hiro and Ando hear a sound, and Hiro takes out his sword to confront whoever it is, but is shocked when he comes face to face with his future self. In Five Years Gone, Hiro learns from his future self that the bomb still went off. The younger Hiro in turn reveals to his future self that the present day Claire was rescued and Sylar got caught, but Sylar himself wasnt killed yet. This gives Future Hiro hope, but before they can do anything about it, Matt Parkman and his Homeland Security team break into Isaacs loft and begin a raid. Ando and Future Hiro manage to escape, but present day Hiro is apprehended by Matt and the Haitian. Hiro is brutally interrogated by Matt, who doesnt believe he is telling the truth about time traveling. Mohinder Suresh is called in to investigate Isaacs loft, where he is convinced about Hiros story, but fails to convince the President, Nathan Petrelli (who is in fact Sylar in disguise). The President orders Mohinder to kill present day Hiro, but Mohinder finds he cant bring himself to do it. In the meantime, Ando and Future Hiro enlist the aid of future Peter Petrelli and they break into the building Present Hiro is captured in. They defeat all the guards and with the aid of Mohinder, manage to rescue Hiro. Unfortunately, before Hiro and Ando manage to travel back to their time, Future Hiro is shot by Matt Parkman, who is in turn stopped by Peter, who uses telekinesis to close the door on Parkman. Hiro is shocked to see his future self die, but when Ando confides he believes in Hiro now and shows him a copy of the 9th Wonders! comic book in which Hiro stabs Sylar with his sword, Hiro gets his confidence back and travels back to the time from which they came. In The Hard Part, upon their return to the present time line, Hiro proudly vows to New York City that hell do his best to save it. However, he does realize it will be the hard part of his destiny. Hiro and Ando return to Isaacs loft, hoping to fill in the gaps of the futuristic comic book. However, they arrive to find that Isaac has been killed by Sylar. When Hiro and Ando hear Sylar in the bathroom, they hide behind a painting. Sylar hears their heartbeats and uncovers their hiding spot. However, Hiro teleports Ando and himself to safety before they are found. Hiro and Ando continue to follow Sylar and watch him meet with his mother, attempting to reconcile with her. After Sylars mother is accidentally killed, Hiro stops time and approaches Sylar, sword drawn. However, as he swings, time resumes and Sylar grabs Hiros sword. Sylar begins to freeze the sword, and – as Hiro teleports to safety with Ando – it breaks in two. In Landslide, after Ando looks in the Yellow Pages for someone who can repair the sword, he finds an ad bearing the helix symbol seen throughout the series. Upon arriving, they encounter Hiros father Kaito, who tells Hiro that he is worthy of the family destiny. He also trains Hiro to fight and kill with a sword. When Hiro is done training, he and Kaito discover that Ando, thinking that Kaito had convinced Hiro to return to Japan, bought a sword and has left to confront Sylar alone. In How to Stop an Exploding Man Hiro teleports to Isaacs loft to find Ando about to be killed by Sylar, but manages to teleport them both out of danger and back to Japan. Hiro returns with Andos sword, leaving the Kensei sword with Ando, telling Ando that it is so you know Ill be back. Upon returning, he stabs Sylar. Sylar uses the last of his strength to send Hiro flying toward a building, forcing Hiro to teleport to save himself. In doing so, however, he sends himself three centuries into the past to Kyoto, Japan, circa 1671. Upon collecting himself, he finds himself caught in the middle of a battle between a small group of samurai about to attack a figure on the horizon, who appears to be Kensei, the original owner of Hiros blade. Before the battle begins, however, an eclipse shadows the scene. Generations[edit] In Four Months Later..., the premiere episode of Season 2, Hiro freezes time as the archers from the battle scene at the end of How to Stop an Exploding Man are about to kill him. He then teleports who he believes to be Takezo Kensei away from the battle and into a small forest. There, he learns that the man is a decoy, and that the real Kensei, an Englishman in samurai armor, had been hiding in a tree in order to snipe the enemy with a crossbow. After some conversation, Hiro realizes that, by interfering in the battle, he has changed the past, and Otsu is razed. The swordsmiths daughter, a woman named Yaeko, who Kensei was supposed to wed according to the legend, grows angry at Kensei and takes back her fathers sword given as payment, saying that she will go fight the bandits herself. Kensei reacts to this with general apathy. In Lizards, Hiro impersonates Kensei by donning his armor in order to make sure the bandits dont kill Yaeko and to prove to her that Kensei is a hero. Scaring off the bandits using his powers, Hiro as Kensei wins the heart of Yaeko. Encountering the real Kensei afterwards, Hiro manages to convince him to help Yaeko rescue her father. However, as they are about to leave, the bandits return and fire arrows at Kensei, seemingly killing him. However, once the arrows are removed, Kensei regenerates in a fashion similar to Claire Bennet. With Kenseis newly discovered power, Hiro realizes how he became the hero of legend. Since Kensei isnt quite ready to accept his destiny, Hiro forces him to play out another of his legends, this one the retrieval of the fire scroll from 90 angry ronin. The task convinces Kensei to take up his own mantle, and he likens Hiro to his conscience — except he pays attention to Hiro. Believing his task to be done, Hiro initially decides to return to his own time, but during the attempt, suddenly stops and returns to Kensei. Hiro, determined to preserve the time line, decides to remain in feudal Japan until Kensei defeats White Beard and saves Japan. They locate White Beards army camp and Hiro helps Kensei rescue Yaekos father. However, in a moment of weakness, Hiro gives into his own desires and confesses his love to Yaeko and they kiss, unaware that Kensei is watching them. Hiro tries to apologize, but Kensei reverts to his old ways and knocks Hiro unconscious and turns him, Yaeko, and her father over to White Beards soldiers. According to Hiros note to Ando, this causes a currently unknown alteration to the timeline. Hiro is kept prisoner in White Beards camp where they use opium to dull his senses, preventing him from using his powers. Yaeko manages to free herself from her shackles and removes the opium. Hiro is able to focus just enough to teleport them to safety. Later, Hiro returns to White Beards camp to destroy the guns. Before he can set the gunpowder cache on fire, Kensei confronts him and the two engage in a sword fight. Hiro tries to persuade Kensei to join him to stop White Beard, but Kensei refuses, and vows to Hiro that as long as he lives, he will destroy everything he holds dear. Hiro teleports out right before the guns explode. He meets Yaeko under the cherry blossoms one last time, and tells her the final tale in the legend of Kensei, where he is forced to cut his heart out. Yaeko vows that as long as she has a breath in her body, she will tell his story as the story of Takezo Kensei. They share a final kiss, and Hiro teleports out, leaving Yaeko alone under the cherry blossoms. Hiro then teleports back to the present day, effectively fulfilling the final task by leaving Yaeko behind, and he learns from Ando that his father has been killed. Hiro attempts to go back and prevent his death in Cautionary Tales, but his father convinces him that they cannot play God with their gifts. Hiro accepts this advice, but uses the opportunity to learn that Kensei was the one responsible for murdering his father. In Truth & Consequences, Hiro is able to learn more about Kensei and his new name, Adam Monroe. He travels back in time to 1977 and learns that Adam was imprisoned by his father after he almost releases a virus that could kill everything. He learns that the virus will be kept in the Primatech facility in Odessa, Texas. Determined to avenge his fathers murder, he teleports to the facility with his sword and stops time. There, he sees Peter Petrelli for the first time since How to Stop an Exploding Man. Hiro declares his intentions to Peter, but Peter refuses to let Hiro harm Adam. Peters hand crackles with electricity as Hiro lets out a battle cry and charges with his sword drawn. In Powerless, Hiro confronts Peter, but is knocked unconscious. Later, he is reunited with Nathan Petrelli and Matt Parkman, who are there to stop Peter and Adam from getting the virus. Hiro teleports into the vault and confronts Adam for the first time since the tent in White Beards camp. Hiro tells Adam he should not have let Adam live long ago, then grabs Adam and teleports him away. Hiro later reveals to Ando that Adam will not hurt anyone ever again. The scene cuts to Adam, locked in a casket, buried alive in a Japanese cemetery. Villains[edit] In the third volume, Villains, Hiro has taken his fathers place as head of Yamagato. His familys lawyer gives him a tape his father recorded, telling Hiro that in the office safe is one half of a formula that could destroy the world if it fell into the wrong hands. Out of curiosity, he opens the safe and the envelope containing the formula, which is then stolen by a speeding superhuman named Daphne. Her super speed negates his ability to freeze time, and she escapes by knocking him unconscious. Hiro travels to the future to validate his fathers claim, where he sees Tokyo destroyed by some undefined cataclysm. He also witnesses his future self being killed by Ando, who now possesses some sort of electricity-based power (later found to be power amplification). This makes Hiro distrustful of Ando. To stop this future, Hiro and Ando follow Daphne to her home in France. However, Hiro is unable to capture her as she threatens to kill Ando. Using a tracking device, they follow Daphne to Berlin, Germany, where the other half of the formula is. The Haitian is holding it, so Hiro and Ando knock him unconscious to steal it, only to have Daphne speed in and steal it first. The Haitian awakens and captures them before they can pursue her. Hiro and Ando are locked in Level 2 of the Company, where they resolve their differences over Ando killing Hiro in the future. They are released by Angela Petrelli, who scolds Hiro for losing both halves of the formula. Ando supports Hiro and declares they will get the formula back. To accomplish this, Hiro and Ando dig up Adam Monroe. Adam leads Hiro to a bar under the impression that they can find information there, but it is just a ruse for Adam to escape. He tricks the bartender into knocking Hiro out, then flees. Depressed, they decide to drink at a bar where they meet Daphne and Knox, who captured Adam. Knox says that he will let Hiro join them if he kills Ando, considering Ando, a normal human, useless to their causes. Hiro uses his powers to travel back in time, retrieving a packet of fake blood and a retractable sword to make it look as if he really killed Ando. This convinces Daphne and Knox. Daphne sends Hiro to Africa to find a precognitive painter named Usutu. After two failed attempts to catch the painter using his powers, Hiro decides to use conventional methods, which Usutu had been waiting for him to do, as he had been overly reliant on his ability. He then shows Hiro a montage of those Hiro has to fight; namely Arthur Petrelli and his newly assembled team of villains. Hiro and Ando are given food from Usutu to induce a spirit walk, which causes Hiro to witness Arthur Petrellis past, among other things. Arthur discovers this and teleports to Africa, killing Usutu and wiping Hiros mind, leaving him under the impression that he is only ten years old. Ando barely manages to get the mind-wiped Hiro to teleport them to safety. With Hiros memory gone, Ando is forced to reacquaint Hiro with his powers. After a series of tests (mixed with some of Hiros childish pranks) in a Tokyo bowling alley, the duo teleport to Sams Comics, which Hiro claims is the source of all knowledge. Ando finds yet another prophetic issue of 9th Wonders! which depicts the very situation that he and Hiro are in. The book also depicts a solar eclipse, with the caption, Its Coming..., in the corner. The comic directs the duo to Matt Parkman, who can presumably restore Hiros memory. Matt, however, cannot even understand Hiro, much less fix him, and instead enlists Hiros help in finding Daphne, which the comic also depicts. When the eclipse causes both Hiro and Matt to lose their powers, Matt loses faith in his ability to help Daphne. In his own childish way, Hiro successfully convinces Matt to save Daphne. While Matt goes to Daphne, Hiro and Ando track down the nearest Sams Comics to find the new issue of 9th Wonders!.
Posted on: Fri, 25 Oct 2013 23:37:48 +0000

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