In 1739 David Hume, an Englishman, wrote, “So true it is, that - TopicsExpress


In 1739 David Hume, an Englishman, wrote, “So true it is, that however other nations may rival us in poetry, and excel us in some other agreeable arts, the improvements in reason and philosophy can only be owing to a land of toleration and liberty.” That’s strange. Watching Mel Gibson’s film The Patriot I had assumed that all Englishmen were Darth Vader. Well no matter. Yesterday on Chris Plante’s radio show whilst discussing this very subject a caller asked in return, “Did George Washington betray his government but not his people?” Chris replied with an odd desperation in his voice, “Well George the Third was repressive? Wasn’t he? Wasn’t he?” Rather too late to ask that now old man. My direct ancestors had been in Maryland over a hundred years before the first shot was fired in the Revolution. I have no idea how they felt. I do know that Englishmen, 88% of my DNA, had been killing kings and blowing up governments long before they landed here in this savage place. It’s what we do, we kill kings. Snowden traitor or hero? I’d say he’s simply a man of English decent, a victim of his heredity as they say doing what comes naturally for us when we feel wronged. Carry on with the revolution.
Posted on: Tue, 02 Jul 2013 11:27:32 +0000

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