In 1891, the foremost liberal of the Russian judiciary system, - TopicsExpress


In 1891, the foremost liberal of the Russian judiciary system, A.F. Koni, was made senator. This was met with outrage, including the following epigram by a conservative poet - punning on the resemblance between Konis name and the Russian word for horses: Caligula has brought a horse (kon) to Senate It stands adorned in velvet and in gold But I must say our Senate is no better For there not one, but many horses (koni) I behold. To which Koni himself immediately replied: I do not like such ironies as this one: So mean, and petty, and devoid of grace! For it is progress, is it not, that we have horses Where only donkeys ever used to graze... ---------------- * My own rather free translation. Russian original: В Сенат коня Калигула привёл, Стоит он убранный и в бархате, и в злате. Но я скажу: у нас — такой же произвол: В газетах я прочел, что Кони есть в Сенате. На что А. Ф. Кони ответил своей эпиграммой: Я не люблю таких ироний, Как люди непомерно злы! Ведь то прогресс, что нынче Кони, Где раньше были лишь ослы…
Posted on: Sat, 17 May 2014 19:20:45 +0000

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