In 1947 I enlisted in the US Air Force in Philadelphia, - TopicsExpress


In 1947 I enlisted in the US Air Force in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. I was sent to Valley Forge, Pennsylvania for a thorough Physical which was 1A. I was sent to Lackland AFB for 13 weeks of Basic Training. I Truly Loved the Air Force because to me it really was the only home I was going to finally have. I feel you have to have the background on this to get a true Perspective of not only their side but also mine, Here is what happened ! After completing my 13 weeks of Basic Training, I was put on orders to go to A&E School in which was my first choice. I really dont remember now after 67 years how it started but while attending school at Keesler Field, Missippi I came down with an EAR INFECTION. I attended Sick call and they treated me. When I went back for a second visit, a Major in uniform without Doctors white smock, examined my ear and said in a LOUD MEAN VOICE. THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH YOUR EAR ! IF YOU COME BA CK HERE YOU WILL BE COURT MARTIALLED ! At that time I believe I was just starting the engine phase of classes and I was worried if my grades were too low. I then was called to go before a one man board. To this day I do not know what it was suppose to be but I was definitely washed out of school ! It was a strangle hold by the Devil. I cant remember all that was said but it was pretty brief ! Something like this: Your Name ANS. Sir, Guerrera,Felix G. Where are you from ANS. SIR, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Thats a pretty tough place isnt it ANS. I dont think so, I was born there SIR As far as I can remember ,there was no details of the reason for all this. The person questioning me was on a platform that was covered between us and was so high that I only saw his face once very briefly and it was over. I was then put on orders to go to Germany. When we docked at Bremerhaven, we then were taken to Marburg, Germany where we were given a new issue of OD Uniforms for winter wear. I would like to add that this was an ARMY CONSTABULARY UNIT which was not AIR FORCE as the AIR FORCE was no longer ARMY! Never the less we were only there to be reassigned to a permanent Base. By this time my INFECTED EAR had a greenish yellow pus running out of it that was stinking very badly. I went on sick call and they gave me either 500,000 units of Penicillin every 4 days or 400,000 units every 5 days. All I could do was keep it clean and stuff cotton in my ear. The Penicillin never cured it. I was then sent to my Permanent Base which was Kaufbeuren Germany in Bavaria. While there I was classified with a 677 MOS. I was sent to Intelligence School in Oberammegau, Germany. So instead of becoming a crew chief with an MOS of 747 I became an MP (Military Police) on a Military Police Intelligence Base. They made sure I was sent away before the Board met so I would not get a higher rating to corporal. I got nothing but abuse while in there and all the time living with a PUS RUNNING EAR that stunk so bad I was constantly embarrassed but kept it to myself. One day I had a Sinus headache and went on sick call. Well they fixed it. All was fine! I have never encountered so much lieing and neglect in all my life. So now I will by-pass my times in Burttonwood, England and back to Erding Germany without medical help and come back to the United States in which it was time to get my HONORABLE DISCHARGE. You see you have to have a physical before you are discharged to show that you have no disabilities! They finally decided I have to go to Wright Patterson AFB in OHIO. to have this ear taken care of. Once in the beautiful hospital there, about Four medics One probably being a Doctor the others probably on the job training, examined my ear and decided I needed an Xray. This had to be on or about the 20th of July 1950. On the 21st they took the Xray . Then that same day a guy com es up beside my bed and tells me I was going to have the same Operation ! He had a deviated Septum. I decided to call my sister, a REGISTERED NURSE. I told her what was going on and asked her what did she think I should do ? Her reply was as follows: If you feel they Know what they are doing then have it done! If you feel they dont know what they are doing dont have it done! I may have these days wrong but on the 22nd of July I called the CO and told him I was suppose to be discharged yesterday the 21st he said , WE ARE GOING TO OPERATE FIRST THING IN THE MORNING. I signed a release and decided to not have it done until a later date When I got back to my home base Greater Pittsburgh Airport, I was a day late and I had to clear the Base of myself and my belongings. Upon doing this they wanted me to Re-up. I was not going to serve another term as a PFC. They promised me a Corporal Rating if I Re-up. Enough was enough I I had to make a home for myself ! Now I was all checked out from the Base with a $51.00 check to my name but they were holding my discharge and I could not leave. I went into Headquarters and find out they are going to Freeze Discharges due to the KOREAN WAR and they would not sign my discharge. I have no where to go now. I am in limbo! So I am sitting outside in front of Headquarters when my CO comes walking by and saysHI Guerrera, Whats up? I explain to him they would not sign my Discharge and he tells me to hang on, then goes into Headquarters and calls Langley Field, Virginia which is 9th Air Force Headquarters. I dont recall how long he was in there, maybe a half hour or an hour but he comes out with my discharge signed, I am now a civilian! I leave the Base and go into town to cash my check. It must have been one hour later, I get the word that they just received a TWX from Washington DC to Freeze all Discharges ! This is how I lost all but one of my buddies that was wiped out in KORE A. The survivors name was Gregory and he was from California. I was never able to get in touch with him. May have died from wounds. I dont know? I am 84 years old now. I have had three Operations on my right ear. The first operation was so serious they had to perform a Fenestration with a Mastoidectomy because the infection was eating up into my Brain. The second Operation was a Complete removal of the Hammer, Anvil and stirrup and I dont know what else was done but I was told there was no cancer. I was 7 Hours on the table with that operation. Almost died on this one. I did not put in a claim until 1980. I was not going to put in a claim but after all I been through I decided maybe a bullet would have been better for me instead of getting rid of my records which they kept asking me to repeat even years later when DOCTOR was dead or gone and the Hospital was no longer there. I finally asked for help through the American legion and it was Fruitless. Another tell all, over the recorder but this time they brought a young female judge from Washington DC. Once more I got a Lawyer from their list and it went to court. The outcome of the decision was as the Lawyer told me,as I was not there to hear or check accuracy of the trial. It was a SAD.SAD, Case. VERY SAD. The lawyer got Payed I did not ! I dont know how much time I have left in my life but I think I will be my own Lawyer, if there is a next time? My primary Doctor and Veteran Administration Doctor said to me, I looked very depressed ! Well for years I had to try to get it out of my mind and could not The VA is bigger than I am. I believe this is one of the reasons we are suffering today. Washington has ignored and really does not believe in GOD ! The Rumor is already known that if you go to the 3nd floor at BAY PINES the next stop is your GRAVE. That Doctor that told me there was nothing wrong with my ear and I would be Court Martialled if I came back, was and is a disgrace to humanity. Sometimes I wonder if there is an underlying cause to deserve how I was treated.??? I have much much more to add to this catastrophe. Sincerely Felix Guerrera PS Because I went on sick call once for Sinus, they claim it was the cause my infection. I pray I am present at the time this subject comes up ! The cover one lie with another.
Posted on: Sat, 02 Aug 2014 14:47:07 +0000

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