In 1966, months into his reign Mobutu used the Leopoldville (now - TopicsExpress


In 1966, months into his reign Mobutu used the Leopoldville (now Kinshasa) governor Alphonse Bangala to fake a coup to see who was loyal to the president and who was not.He lured government to support his coup and several did fall for the trick.They were later executed. Its the leader of this fake coup Col Bangala whom Franco, for strange reasons chose to praise in this song. Vicky Longommba and MJ aka Mujos aka Joseph Mulamba are being backed new kid on the block Michelle Boyibanda. Franco is mercurial on the solo and so is verkeys on the sax.This days Simaro was the rhythmst and Armando was the bassist This is the best from the best
Posted on: Mon, 10 Nov 2014 04:01:28 +0000

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