In 1973, the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) was - TopicsExpress


In 1973, the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) was formed for the purpose of doing what so many other organizations do: lobby legislators for their desires. And like most lobbying organizations, ALEC works their persuasions from Capitol Hill to State Capitols. Nothing new there, no new ground broken. Lobbying for political purposes is one of the oldest practices since the notion of government came to pass. And for many reasons, it is on par with street walkers plying their trade: for this, you can have this. Across the political spectrum, advocates work to promote and hopefully gain, legislative actions to their benefit or the benefit of many. The range of imploring runs from big oil to safety net lobbyists and its all perfectly legal with a mix of some good and some bad as a result, although good to one is bad to another and vice versa. In todays Washington Post, Katrina vanden Heuvel, dispenser of progressive mantras and ardent enthusiast for endlessly expanding government, laments over some of the achievements of ALEC. Only in the mind of a progressive, desirous of fewer personal liberties and choices, of more government dictating our lives, would the following be unacceptable: vanden Heuvel claims ALEC has led the way in dismantling environmental regulations. Which ones of the tens of thousands, is not noted. Any fair look at say EPA, recognizes that from its charter to the present, EPA has issued regulations, many with little oversight, that have hamstrung more than a handful of businesses, both private and public. I am not sure vanden Heuvel has done her homework on this but my guess is being a progressive, she reflexively genuflects before the altar of more government control and any rollback is blasphemous. Gnawing at her, are those school voucher programs proven successful and supported by parents, many of whom call our inner cities home. Yep, ALEC had a hand in getting school voucher programs up and running. Damn, that gives parents choices which in turn, denies public schools, mostly wrecked by teachers unions, the opportunity to give their kids the same failing educational achievements so prevalent today. I suppose vanden Heuvel smiled with great delight when Team Obama dismantled school voucher programs, you know, the ones making a difference in the education of some kids in our inner cities. Other reasons to grind her teeth, are successful ALEC promotions such as stand your ground laws that give legal backing if forced to defend yourself or family. And oh mama, the crippling of unions by right to work laws. We cant have workers saying no to forced union membership, all for the glory of the union! Yeppers, freedom of association is verboten in a progressives utopian world. When it is boiled down to its most basic element, for progressives, the only choice acceptable is the act of slaughtering the unborn with disregard for the mounting carnage. But if a parent of an inner city child wishes for their child to attain an education above those of their peers, if in a moment of decision you must defend your life and if you desire not to be part of any union, sorry, unacceptable. And for progressives, unwarranted liberties and freedoms dont stop there, no, denials by them extend to free speech if not politically correct, to freedom of religion if symbols of faith are in public view and of any freedoms not to their liking. In a Country so blessed, we should be thankful the vanden Heuvels were not present when the Constitution and subsequent Bill of Rights were cobbled together. On that, you would have heard them bellowing about not in the interest of the state and not in their world of being controlled... On a cheery note for vanden Heuvel, counter organizations are rising to undo the work of ALEC. Cheering them on, wishing them well, vanden Heuvel offers her freedoms and liberties to an ideology that knows best for your existence. Somewhere James Madison just did an eye roll...
Posted on: Tue, 29 Jul 2014 16:54:31 +0000

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