In 1988, the U.S. Agency for International Development(USAID) - TopicsExpress


In 1988, the U.S. Agency for International Development(USAID) signed its latest contract with the old Sterilization League (a.k.a. Association for Voluntary Surgical Contraception), committing the U.S. government to spend $80 million over five years. Having gotten away with sterilizing several hundred North Carolina school children, the identical group was then authorized by President Bush to do it to 58 countries in Asia, Africa and Ibero-America. The group modestly claims it has directly sterilized only two million people, with 87 percent of the bill paid by U.S. taxpayers. Meanwhile, Dr. Clarence Gamble, Boyden Grays favorite soap manufacturer, formed his own Pathfinder Fund as a split-off from the Sterilization League. Gambles Pathfinder Fund, with additional millions from USAID, concentrates on penetration of local social groups in the non-white countries, to break down psychological resistance to the surgical sterilization teams. The Association for Voluntary Surgical Contraception has changed its name to Engender Health. In the end we can see the long term goal of creating a master race is behind the mission statement. Will they all have blonde hair and blue eyes and an IQ of 140? Meanwhile the Bush regime is responsible for sterilizing hundreds of millions brown skinned people across the globe. General Draper was George Bushs guru on the population question. But there was also Drapers money--from that uniquely horrible source--and Drapers connections on Wall Street and abroad. Drapers son and heir, William H. Draper III, was co-chairman for finance (chief of fundraising) of the Bush-for-President national campaign organization in 1980. With George Bush in the White House, the younger Draper heads up the depopulation activities of the United Nations throughout the world. Because of George Bush 250 million brown skinned people have been sterilized at the US taxpayers expense - $300 million a year. The U.S. Agency for International Development says that surgical sterilization is the Bush administrations first choice method of population reduction in the Third World. The United Nations Population Fund claims that 37 percent of contraception users in Ibero-America and the Caribbean have already been surgically sterilized. In a 1991 report, William H. Draper IIIs agency asserts that 254 million couples will be surgically sterilized over the course of the 1990s; and that if present trends continue, 80 percent of the women in Puerto Rico and Panama will be surgically sterilized. Mexico is first among targeted nations, on a list which was drawn up in July 1991, at a USAID strategy session. India and Brazil are second and third priorities, respectively. The per capita income gap between the developed and the developing countries is increasing, in large part the result of higher birth rates in the poorer countries.... Famine in India, unwanted babies in the United States, poverty that seemed to form an unbreakable chain for millions of people--how should we tackle these problems?.... It is quite clear that one of the major challenges of the 1970s ... will be to curb the worlds fertility. -- George Bush Sr. The [government] must put the most modern medical means in the service of this knowledge.... Those who are physically and mentally unhealthy and unworthy must not perpetuate their suffering in the body of their children.... The prevention of the faculty and opportunity to procreate on the part of the physically degenerate and mentally sick, over a period of only 600 years, would ... free humanity from an immeasurable misfortune. -- Adolph Hitler Richard Condon in The Manchurian Candidate knew all about all of these horrendous characters in 1958 when he wrote his novel about Eugenicists who used programmed assassins to carry out The Will of the Wasps to destroy the upstart mud races as they called them. The original composition was six civilians (mostly scientists), and six high-ranking military officers, two from each major military service. Three (Souers, Vandenberg, and Hillenkoetter) had been the first three heads of central intelligence. Draper USAID Nazi Eugenics - Death Planners - International Planned Parenthood Federation was founded in London, in the offices of the British Eugenics Society. The undead enemy from World War II, renamed Population Control, had now been revived. George Bush was U.S. ambassador to the United Nations in 1972, when with prodding from Bush and his friends, the U.S. Agency for International Development first made an official contract with the old Sterilization League of America. The League had changed its name twice again, and was now called the Association for Voluntary Surgical Contraception. The U.S. government began paying the old fascist group to sterilize non-whites in foreign countries. The World Food Programme (WFP) rang in December and said they wouldnt be buying anything from us for four years because they had a corn-soy blend from USAid – for free. That was half of our annual income gone. We nearly closed in June, says American paediatrician Patricia Wolff who founded MFK 10 years ago to make a local malnourishment product that would feed children, as well as benefit farmers. Medika mamba is a local product, manufactured by the non-profit Meds & Food for Kids (MFK) to standards approved by the World Health Organisation and the UN childrens agency, Unicef. Internationally trademarked as PlumpyNut by the French company Nutriset, a 150-sachet carton can restore a severely malnourished child to health in six to 12 weeks. About 22% of under-fives in Haiti are chronically malnourished. Soon, medika mamba will be rolled out in Guatemala and beyond through Unicefs programmes for malnourished people. But Haitis newest export will not be the measure of success it sounds. closing the factory would have cost 42 local jobs, and hundreds of Haitian peanut farmers would have lost a reliable buyer. Wolff lobbied heavily against the market-distorting effects of importing a therapeutic food when a local one exists. In April, she won a years grace, after USAid gave Unicef in Haiti a years worth of funding for medika mamba bought locally. The factory – built in 2012 with a $732,000 (£427,000) loan from the Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (Gain) and LGT Venture Philanthropy –stayed open. This year, MFK expects to buy 50 tonnes of peanuts from local farmers, nearly 50% more than in 2013. Wolff believes that with assured international aid buyers for medika mamba, the factory could boost production year on year, creating economies of scale and a sustainable local loop of supply and demand. Producing 550 metric tonnes makes us sustainable because it covers the cost of everything, she says. In theory, that is development economics at its best – saving lives while sustaining change in low-income countries. It will tackle acute child malnutrition, which rose from 5.1% in 2012 to 6.5% last year, according to the Haitian government. The advent of NGOs in Haiti began with a large influx of funds to subvert the democratic process between the expulsion of Jean-Claude Duvalier in 1986 and the election of Jean-Bertrand Aristide in 1990. During this period, the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) funneled over $2.3 million into Haiti. According to USAID’s own estimates, by 1988 U.S. funds reached at least one third of the 1,200 or so NGOs in the country. The current number of NGOs has grown to 16,000 – one NGO per 560 Haitians. As the association between USAID and the NGOs has solidified, the hunger has intensified. Since 1990, for example, those U.S. NGOs that accept aid from USAID have been allowed to cover their expenses by selling non-emergency food aid in Haiti’s markets, in a policy called “monetization.” ((“Sak Vid Pa Kanpe: The Impact of U.S. Food Aid on Human Rights in Haiti,” New York School of Law Center for Human Rights and Global Justice, Partners in Health, RFK Center for Justice & Human Rights, Zanmi Lasante, 2010. By 2010, Haiti’s domestic food production had plummeted to a mere 40 percent, and Port-au-Prince’s population had tripled to over 2 million from its 1981 number of about 800,000.)) The food is generally of poor quality and foreign to Haitians. For example, this has included unfortified Arkansas rice that caused scurvy in prisoners. If Haiti has become poor, let us be clear on the fact that it was not always so. Long ago USAID predicted that, if successful, its aid policies would cause famished farmers to migrate from the Haitian countryside into urban areas, and this would in turn cause the population of Port-au-Prince to double to 1.6 million by the 21st century. The population of Port au Prince swelled as predicted. “Haiti might have, by some estimates, a population of 20 million by 2019…It is a time bomb, the high level Canadian diplomat said, ‘which must be defused immediately.’” (The Ottawa Initiative; and Transcending the 2002 Ottawa Initiative.) (pbase dot com/recbo/image/153781813) Canadian Final Solution (google dot com/search?q=canada+final+solution) https://facebook/curiositydotcom/photos/a.293459797348511.88330.206936646000827/985058514855299/?type=1
Posted on: Sun, 18 Jan 2015 20:04:52 +0000

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