In 1998, to enforce some sort of diplomatic tie and what not, we - TopicsExpress


In 1998, to enforce some sort of diplomatic tie and what not, we go to the extend of renaming Jalan Selat to Jalan Esfahan and the big big shot from Iran and our big shot was there to officiate the street new sign next to Sogo.. so most innocent infidels like me does not quite understand the Islamic sects and thought it was just a small school of diversion. It seems that the Christian are far far more cluster gap in their denominations and blah blah.. partly this is due to long history of its evolution as well.. The tie was good I guess and infidel like me in a tiny polarity scale gets to enjoy Iranian kurma during festivities and Iranian restaurant flocked in to our shore.. Oh.. I still miss the turkish ice cream at sg wang plaza.. So the political upheaval and propogate such a hatred towards Shia ; fanatism, herd mentality and tangle into Middle east war religious sideline .. well mostly are just loud noises and cakap isi tapi kosong. How many muslim in this country or for the matter of fact other religions are really deeply rooted in their religion? I believe only a fraction.. We are a young nations which most ancestor came here to cari makan and take shelter or refuge. Our politicians are like small boy playing with fire. Its fun. It burn the house down. Some 20 years ago, came the wave of pakai tudung... and TV3 nona was advocating valentines day more than St. Valentine itself. Good morning folks... its Wednesday.. and its badminton day!! Yahoo...
Posted on: Wed, 05 Mar 2014 00:07:29 +0000

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