In 2009, President Elect Barack Obama said we were about to embark - TopicsExpress


In 2009, President Elect Barack Obama said we were about to embark on a program to fundamentally transform America. No one in the media seemed overly interested in what he meant by that. We now know that he meant wealth redistribution on a massive scale. We also know that he meant a realignment of the international landscape, as well as a reconfiguration of the balance of power between the executive and legislative branches. But, could fundamentally transforming America go beyond all that? Could Obamas agenda for America include a racial and ethnic realignment of the countrys demographics? Think about the Lefts current argument to support an executive action that would grant virtual amnesty for 5 million illegals in the country - when Reagan did it, and when the first Bush did it, they did it for 40 percent of the illegals in this country. In the case of Bush, that represented 1.5-million illegals. Now, 40 percent represents 5 million. When Reagan and Bush signed their executive orders, they did so with the now-apparently naive notion that the border would be secured. Obama has offered little more than lip service to securing the border, and arguments that hes deported more illegals than anyone are typical Obama-style hyperbole. Therefore, what are the chances that, when Obama signs his executive order, things will work out any differently? In fact, any reasonable appraisal would quickly arrive at the conclusion that things should work out exactly the same. Its not hard to guess that this might just be what Obama is looking for. In fact, its not hard to imagine that hes counting on it. From 1991 to now is 23 years. In that time, 40 percent of illegals has increased from 1.5 million to 5 million. That means the number of illegals more than tripled. Keep in mind, and Obama may want to consider this too, in the last few years, Hispanics, who make up the lions share of illegals, have surpassed blacks as the largest minority group (there are blacks who are none to happy about this). Today, there are estimated to be 12.5-million illegals in the country (the basis for the 5-million=40 percent figure). Forty percent in 1991 represented 3.75-million illegals. If the trend continues, and the same number of illegals arrive during that period, by 2037, we will have another 8.75-million illegals. But, are and will the number of illegals grow at the same pace or will the rate increase? If the number instead triples again, well have 37.5-million illegals in the country by that time. At that rate, our best bet is that the Hispanic countries to the South will run out of people who can sneak over our borders; someday, theyll all be here. There are some who will welcome a leveling of the racial and ethnic demographics in America. Are they as eager to level the racial and ethnic balances in Mexico or further South? What about China and Japan, or any and all countries around the world? Is it time to do a headcount and redistribute so we have a balance of all races and ethnic groups? Keep in mind that the administrations approach to immigration, as Ive described it in the paragraphs above, would fit perfectly with the modus operandi of this administration - just as the administration approached Obamacare, just as they handled scandal after scandal, from Benghazi to the NSA to the IRS and more. It is an elitist approach that a man named Gruber brought fully to light for anyone willing to pay attention. In the process, it cuts out the middle man otherwise known as the voter or even known as the American citizen. Was that blissful ignorance Gruber pointed out? No, as I recall, he made a claim that most Americans (the non-elite) are stupid. Blissfully stupid?
Posted on: Wed, 19 Nov 2014 05:11:04 +0000

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