In 2009, we turned the HiCrEc (Hidden Creative Economy) concept - TopicsExpress


In 2009, we turned the HiCrEc (Hidden Creative Economy) concept into an annual awards event. These are to recognise those who, over the past 50 years, have laid the foundations of our cultural and creative music, arts, media and business formats, outside of the mainstream circuit. Through their efforts, many of us are benefiting to this day. These benefits may be economic, or through sheer enjoyment. For example: In Music: Back in the day how could you promote and distribute a reggae record with no legal airplay without the sound system circuit (certainly not via the BBC) In the Arts: Without local promoters, writers and community based actors, where could you see Roots plays such as Boops, Princess Black, Scandal etc (certainly not in the West End Theatre Circuit) In The Media: How could you find news with positive stories that reflected yourselves without the various community papers (certainly not through the Fleet Street network) In Business: How many of us, or our parents, were able to access start up capital to create new enterprises through a Pardner Draw (when the banks were telling us no). Since 2009, the HiCrEc Awards & Showcase series have extended beyond London, (yes, there have been thriving HiCrEc communities outside of the capital :) )On Saturday 27th October we shall be holding the 2nd Annual HiCrEc Awards & Showcase for Luton & Bedfordshire at the Centre for Carnival Arts, St Marys Rd, Luton . We are also proud to confirm that we shall be launching at least 8 new HiCrEc micro-businesses at this event. All of these new businesses have come through our current HiCrEc training and development programme which is running at the UKCCA in Luton. Both the event & training programme have been made possible through the efforts of Bob Baker from Heritage Associates. Even if you cant support it, just bear in mind there are still people out there doing (and have done) some great works who deserve some recognition. If you can, it will be a great night to be hosted by comedian Curtis Walker and Paulette Harris-German (producer of the film The Story of Lovers Rock) & supported by Lady Empress. Dont wait for anyone else to acknowledge them but yourselves. And certainly dont wait until they have passed on to let them know that they have been appreciated. One Love YAll...
Posted on: Wed, 03 Sep 2014 09:04:16 +0000

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