In 2011 President Obama stealthily told then Russian President - TopicsExpress


In 2011 President Obama stealthily told then Russian President Medvedev to send his message to Vladimir Putin. The content of Obama’s message was unknown although many speculated on what it might be. Now, several years later and with events unfolding, it could be that we are now learning what Obama meant when he told Medvedev that “ This is my last election. After my election I’ll have more flexibility.” Flexibility with what? We all know that Obama has a desire to fundamentally transform America. We also know that Obama, like many liberals/progressives, think the world would be a lot better off and a lot safer if America was not the lone world super power. In his two years in office we have seen Obama advocate policies that have had a significant adverse impact on the country. We have seen spending levels that have severely threatened America’s financial health –see our credit downgrade. We have seen the imposition of a healthcare program that has had devastating effects on the healthcare of millions of Americans. We have seen an explosion of dependents on welfare and food stamps. We have seen massive numbers of Americans drop out of the labor pool, having been unsuccessful in obtaining new employment. We have seen attack after attack on Christian organizations and believers from policies and programs imposed by the Obama Administration. We have seen acts and rhetoric by Obama that have severely drawn divisions among Americans; rich vs poor; black vs white; gay vs straight; men vs women; conservatives vs the middle class and more. We know that Obama has shown a measure of timidity in dealing with international events or threats to our friends and allies around the world; events like the Arab Spring in Egypt, the Iranian uprising, Libya, Syria and most recently Crimea in the Ukraine. More recently we now know that Obama has, since his reelection, proposed a military budget that will significantly cut defense spending, literally taking our armed forces down to levels not seen since post WWII. Given all of these events it is plausible to say that President Obama has had a measure of success in taking America down a notch or two, the net effect of which is a weaker less threatening America; one less capable of asserting a level of influence for good around the world. With a paper tiger America on retreat, despots are now free to begin asserting their muscle, all for equaling or neutering American dominance around the world. The question is who will take advantage of our weakness; first up, Russia. There is little doubt that Vladimir Putin has visions of a reconstituted Russian empire. To achieve this goal, Putin must reacquire lands once held under Russian authority. Countries like Ukraine, Armenia, Estonia, Latvia, Uzbekistan and Moldova just to name a few. Putin has taken the first step in his quest for new land acquisitions. In taking Ukrainian enclave, Crimea, Putin has left little doubt about his ambitions but taking Crimea is quite a different story from taking say Kazakhstan, another former Russian state. While Obama and the West have been, to put it mildly, timid in their response to Putin’s take over, the message is clear that the West has little stomach for a direct conflict with strongman Putin. To the extent that the West might be interested in halting Putin’s march, it is doubtful that any real efforts will be taken to stop him. In fact there could actually be some interest on the left in America at least, who might see Putin’s take over as a good thing. Most liberals have longed believed that there is an unhealthy imbalance in the world having America as the lone super power. They express embarrassment and deep concern at America’s economic and military success seeing both as potential threats to world peace. They believe that with such a dominant position, America will be tempted if not in fact use our power in an abusive manner and for that reason there is a need for at least another super power in order to hold us in check. Madeline Albright, former Secretary of State for Bill Clinton, in essence and over timed, expressed such an opinion as did Bill Clinton, but no American leader has been so clear about this concern as Barack Obama. After becoming President, Barack Obama toured the world offering apologies for American exceptionalism calling us dismissive and even derisive to other nations. So then can anyone be surprised if you have an extreme leftist president who now wields the power to correct what Progressive see as a threat to world stability? Could Barack Obama, our most extreme leftist president, be actively depleting America’s power in order to aid lesser nations with their goals of acquiring or regaining super power status? Obama, leading the West’s efforts in the Crimea conflict, has been accused of making Jimmy Carter look like Attila the Hun in how he has handled Crimea and other international conflicts. But perhaps Obama’s actions are intentional. Perhaps Obama’s message to Putin, through Medvedev, was that once re-elected Obama will be able to manage any fall out that might threaten Putin’s march to empire building. Perhaps Obama sees Putin as an integral clog in his dream of taking America down a notch or two; to making sure that America is not the lone world superpower. Today America is financially, socially, militarily and morally a weaker nation. Although still a super power, our influence is depleting at a rapid pace. At our rate of decline and with the aggressiveness of Vladimir Putin, it won’t be long before “super power” will be affixed to the name, Russia. According to liberals like Obama, for world peace and security, this can’t happen soon enough. We’ll see. - See more at: blackquillandink/?p=18123#sthash.ynxmgCyH.dpuf
Posted on: Sat, 29 Mar 2014 01:37:10 +0000

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