In 2013 my Mum, Marie-Hélène Way died of Pancreatic Cancer. When - TopicsExpress


In 2013 my Mum, Marie-Hélène Way died of Pancreatic Cancer. When she was first diagnosed my brother and I ran the Paris Marathon, in April 2012. We ran it to raise money and awareness for Pancreatic Cancer Action UK. Through all the training, the ups and downs, the tears and the accomplishments, Mum was there for us. Finally standing cheering at the finish line, holding balloons in the middle of her chemo. In April 2013, I ran the Paris marathon again. Once again Mum was there every step of the way. Once again she came to Paris and cheered me at the finish line, even though her health was fast deteriorating and she was weak and tired. When she heard I had entered the ballot for London 2014, she was so excited. She told me if I won a place she would be with me all the way once again. She told me where she would be standing on the 13 April 2014 and what she would be wearing. I did win a place, but Mum is not here to see it. She has not been here through my training and she will not be standing at the finish line. Every step I take in training is a reminder that Mum is not here, it has been more difficult than I could ever have imagined. Yes, I know she is, and always will be with me in spirit, but I miss her physical presence. I want to call her after my long runs and tell her if I am sunburnt or wind burnt, if my knee or my ankle hurts, about the sunrise over Pont Neuf and Notre Dame, where and how I fell over (yes it happens regularly);) I want to hear her laugh, or tell me to be careful. Week in week out, listening to the same troubles and tribulations of training, and sounding interested as only a mother can. In order to raise more money than the last two years I decided to run 2 marathons in a week. Paris on 06 April and London on the 13 April. I hope by raising this money perhaps one day another girl’s mother will be diagnosed in time for surgery and her life will be saved. Please support me by visiting my page and sponsoring my runs for Pancreatic Cancer Action. uk.virginmoneygiving/AngieStathakis Thank You
Posted on: Sun, 23 Mar 2014 09:22:59 +0000

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