In 9th grade, while I was at a locker on break talking to another - TopicsExpress


In 9th grade, while I was at a locker on break talking to another student, a hall monitor approached me and said I had to go to homeroom. I refused and didnt go because I still had 3 minutes left before that period began and was suppose to be in class. Nevertheless, I got 3 days of in-school suspension for insubordination. A few years later, I went to a dance with friends and had been drinking prior. Pretty much everyone at the dance had been. But a couple friends I came with got caught and my sister told me the news so I left. Never got caught. Without any proof, I was sentenced to 3 months out-of-school suspension, which overlapped my final year of basketball; the one thing I worked so hard at and the only thing I cared about. Up until that time, I was almost completely drug free. I think that dance was one of the first times I had ever drank, and I had never smoked weed before. During my suspension, the only kids I ended up hanging out with were those who had dropped out. They had been begging me to smoke for years and I would say no, but since my high school basketball career had been robbed from me, I became incredibly depressed and for the first time ever, fell to the peer pressure and began smoking weed. That was the start of an 8 year marijuana binge. I cant speak for others, but daily usage of Mary Jane is my kryptonite. I have severe memory loss, I cant think half as clear, and my ambition goes from Mach speeds to crawling. Again, I cant speak for others but, from making me feel stupid by telling me I had ADD and making me take pills that made me feel socially awkward like a drone, spending my entire 9th grade year in in-school suspension (basically an in-house jail cell), and them robbing me of my final season of basketball, Id have say that I am totally opposed to the way public education currently operates and its my wish that other children never have to experience what I had to.
Posted on: Tue, 27 Jan 2015 19:13:39 +0000

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