In America today, the dream of owning and operating your own - TopicsExpress


In America today, the dream of owning and operating your own business is non-existent. The business owner will always be taxed(stolen from), regulated and directed by big daddy government policies and of course unions will dictate labor and tenure for your business. America used to be a country where you could work hard, own and have full control over your life and business. Benjamin Franklin answered a ladys question of Republic or Monarchy with A Republic, if you can keep it. America has lost its Republic status and has been taken over by the same self destructive socialist mentality that the founders of America ran from in the first place. America was once a haven for self made, hard working risk takers who owned and controlled their own destiny. Today, America has become a socislists paradise where unions and big government dictate your pay, benefits, products, services and your healthcare. Union workers backed by big government force can shut a business owner down in a heartbeat. If the business owner can no longer pay what unions demand, the business owner goes out of business and the government licensed media will demonize that business owner as greedy. Hostess twinkies is one prime example. The vast portion of Detroits auto sector is another. This socialist utopia America has become will eventually leave America in taters and economically destroyed. Countries like China who have been relaxing their socialist death grip on their economic sector, have experienced a massive surge in wealth production while America continues to move toward increasing the socialist death grip all in the name of fairness. America is in a sad state of affairs.
Posted on: Tue, 02 Dec 2014 15:40:41 +0000

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