In Amerika? Well, where do I begin...first, there would be the - TopicsExpress


In Amerika? Well, where do I begin...first, there would be the gawkers of misfortune with cell phone cameras out. Then, secondly, their would be lawyers lined up in a row arm wrestling to get first dibs on the law suit. Then thirdly you would have the state ran transit authority have the taxes raised so that they can make steps idiot proof and bubble wrapped. And at least somewhere between 8 oclock and 5 oclock youd have Jessie Jackson, Al Sharpton, Sheila Lee Jones, fat arse Oprah Whiney the Poop along with that idiot who thinks that Guam is going to capsize declare that Blacks are second class citizens and that all whites need to be hog tied whipped and fed oatmeal and grits as punishment... While the Jews go about setting up diamond and lemonade stands to make a buck off of the commotion. And again somewhere between 5 oclock and 8 oclock Obama would be blaming some one, any one, and everyone else. Then hed go to his golf game, and then into the showers with his kweer playas and perverse bedfellows. The news would report a terrorist organization, most likely, either, the Israelis, or some other bible thumping, pro life, gun toting, rapid believer in the Constitution rabble rebel rousers trapped an innocent train commuter and that the federal government is creating a new oversight committee and department for boarding commuter trains to protect all of the people from greedy capitalistic and faulty design, planning, and constructing of train platforms. OSHA is called in to post armed guards with 30 round magazines for their 40 caliber hollow point sub machine guns, given to them by the Department of Dumbland and Impurity aka DHS. And the TSA would simply grope a bit more avidly, and cavity search a bit more thoroughly... And just remember when they do their cavity searches, that if both hands are on your shoulders then that is NOT their finger rapping at your pooper. For this is what our nation has become. A cesspool of idiots, kweer kommie Kenyan ideologue promoters for the fall of America, RINO-s too, we can NOT forget the RINO-s. We, also, would have the unfortunate likes of George Bush giving a speech moving his lips, not making much sense, and muttering in his imbecilic type of dialect in his tongue tied mumble har, iny WMDs over here? Noap!...dauh hauh, dau-dau hauh , then that goofy hur hur hur giggle of the dufus from Texas, and continuing, Well, are they over there? He-he-he...Noap. Again, followed by beady eyes squinting and some other goofy uttering from King Dufus the Dubya...and finally... Everybody would be hypnotized into a trancelike stupor and be somehow a bit more galactically more stupid for having to listen to the 9-11 New World Order Hijacker exhaust hot air. We would hear about how the commuter was sent to Sinai Hospital of New York, but was refused because he could NOT provide his national identification, or prove that he was on public assistance, or that he was NOT a Racist Whitey Crackah and all, also that he was NOT a signed up participant conspirator with the debacle of Oh-Bammie-Care, and when Baptist Alliance Hospital of Boston, when they finally did accept him in, they took off his other perfectly good foot because they some how could NOT figure out how to stop the bleeding, start the breathing and treat for shock. After all, they were quite experience with significant leg injuries from staged bombs and the likes at the false flag of the Boston Wrong Marathon happenings and all. And at the end of the day, Amerikaans would be so concerned if the Cubs beat the Padres, or which other ghetto rat Kim Kardashian was banging... And that is about like it. America would NOT be able to pull what the noble of Australia did. Besides, any nation that has a hell hole with its inhabitants living underground like gophers having a name of their city called Cobber Pedy is all right by me. God save the kangaroos... Lets let Bill and Melinda Gates foundation inoculate the babie joeys (a baby kangaroo is called a joey just a 411 for any retards out there...) and then see how many such joeys survive the poisons, and autism causing bad for baby toxins, live. We can then go on to discuss world hunger, and why Americans are made to feel guilty by those commercials for all of those poor children overseas who live in the sewage like cesspools, those who wade through the garbage piles for empty coke cans to sell. Which seems rather odd when they live in a workers utopia of a Communist nation and all. And the fairy tale is quite repulsive. We must ask, if mankind is so bright, if he is evolved into the most advanced state that he has attained, then why all of the disease, suffering, enslavement, and war? Why if technology is our god, then why are we such a deprived and godless cannibalistic and hedonistic group of self gratifiers, thieves, murderers and low lives... (I speak in generalization as a whole, yet, some of us have come out of the system, and we are at war with the enslaving laws, and taxes, and Reich like government tendencies of our government ran by a foreign exchange grant student named Barry Soetoro... Remember when bent over being searched if both hands are on you, then how could that be a finger checking your prostate? We are one screwed up society. A nation filled with every foul spirit, and demonic practice. And do NOT even get me started with the churchians, who patty cake for their 2nd person of the unbiblical trinity. Those who warm the pews and have their itchy ears scratched. Yeppers, we are in free fall and way over the edge. The economy will be folded up by those who control it, and the resistance will be tried to be rounded up, and you will see why those U.N. MREP-s are on our soil. You will see exactly why the local police and sheriffs have been given surplus MREP-s, you will see how those Nazi helmeted brainwashed or brain dead soldiers, airmen, Marines and sailors act. We are a nation that disgusting, detached, detested by the world, losers. Come on, face it folks...We have got to know where we are at, in order to get anywhere else. Cant start a journey unless you first know what direction to go in. And again, because we are naked, despicable and filthy... IF we desire to repent and get better, the only way to go is up... Imagine that... Up!
Posted on: Thu, 07 Aug 2014 17:36:17 +0000

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