In Asia, over 80.000.000 people speak Romanian! Lucian Cuesdean: - TopicsExpress


In Asia, over 80.000.000 people speak Romanian! Lucian Cuesdean: ” Punjabi language, spoken in India, has 2,000 pure Romanian words, and many others sound very much alike. That is because they, the Punjabi people, are the descendants of a Getae tribe, just like Romanians, although there is about 4500 km distance between Romanians and Punjabi people.” We have learnt in schools that Daco-Getae people would be a branch of Thracians, who used to ,exclusively, live in Dacia, current Romanian territories and that they spoke a language different from Latin.Roman Empire conquered Dacia and Dac0-Getae would, apparently, have given up their own language to learn the conquerors’s. And, this is how Romanian was born. After 20 years of research, Dr. Cuesdean has come to the conclusion that this theory was completely fake. Cuesdean says that Getae tribes, under a different name, used to live in a very large geographical area, from Central Europe to Asia, close to China and India. Current Punjabi population from north of India is the descendant of a tribe of Getae located in central Asia, over 2.500 years ago. These descendants of Getae speak a language close to Romanian. But, many of their Punjabi words are also common to Latin. The only problem is that 2.500 years ago, there was no Roman Empire. Which means that Getae did speak a latin language way before Roman expansion. Getae warriors have descendants in India. “I began my researches from the informations related to the big tribe of Masagetae, attested in Central Asia by ancient historians and mentioned in Evagrius Scholasticus, written in VIth century after Hr. and translated into Ecclesiastical History by E. Walford in 1846, from which I quote: ” Current JAD population of North of India is the descendant of Messagetae. In Pahalavi language, Messagetae is translated the Big Jats.” I went on the trail of this population, the Big Jats. Chinese people called them Yueci, meaning Getae, talking about their domination in Punjabi. So, the Getae did live once in Punjabi. To remember: Getae-Dacians spoke the same language, as the geographer Strabon ( 60 ante Hr. -26 after Hr. ) says, which means from the Carpathians to the central Asia.” If the Getae owned territories from Europe to Asia, if Punjabi people are their descendants, and Romanians are, themselves, the descendants of Getae, Dr. Cuesdean was curious to find out if there are any linguistic similarities between Romanians and them, by comparing both languages. “After 20 years of research, I came to the conclusion that the 80.000.000 of people of Punjabi community speak an archaic Romanian. They use 2.000 identical words, many of them, also, common to Latin. But, if Punjabi is a language once spoken by Getae, it means that the Getae used to speak a latin idioma before birth of Roman Empire. Which leads us to the conclusion that Romanian is older than Latin itself. So, in an immemorial past, there was an unique European language, most probably the archaic Romanian, or Getae-Dacian, which through a series of changes and migrations, gave birth to all of the so-called Indo-European languages, including Latin. And the Dacian-Roman war was a fratricidal one. To this day, they speak Romanian or ARomanian from the North of Adriatic Sea to the Volga. Even more, in Kazakhstan, there are now, officially, 20.000 Romanian speakers.” Dr. Lucian Cuesdean studied Masagetae history for over 20 years. Dr. Cuesdean is 70 years old, PhD in Health Sciences. Before 1989 he worked in Libya several years, and Libya was part of Roman Empire. It is there that he started to look for explainations for the fact that Dacians might have given up their own language in favour of Latin and Libyans did not. In 1990, by studying all the historiography related to Getae, he discovered the informations about Masagetae, and therefore about their descentands , the Punjabi. Herodotus wrote about the Masagetae of Asia. We can find the first attestations of Masagetae of Asia in Herodotus writings: ” Caucasus sets the barriers (Scythians) from west of Caspian Sea and then west and towards the rising sun comes a vast plain, immense (Central Asia , close to China) lost in the distance; that plain was occupied by Masagetae, agaisnt whom Cyrus wanted to send his army.” Cyrus , the king of Persians, did fought agaisnt the Masagetae who’s leader was king Tamyris, but Cyrus’s army was defeated and Cyrus, beheaded.
Posted on: Wed, 07 Aug 2013 09:49:51 +0000

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