In August 1939, after the failure of the talks of a military - TopicsExpress


In August 1939, after the failure of the talks of a military alliance between the Western powers and the USSR, Moscow and Berlin signed a non-agression pact (“Molotov-Ribbentrop pact”), the secret protocols to which provided for division of Poland between Germany and the USSR and creating sphere of influence of both the totalitatian states in eastern Europe. After a provocation in a then-border town of Gleiwitz (Gliwice) where the Germans fabricated an attack of Polish soldiers on a local radio station, Germany started the military campaign against Poland. Despite the courageous resistance of Polish troops, often, in particular at the Westerplatte peninsula, heroically fighting overwhelming enemy forces, by mid-September the war was all but decided. Polish historians call it Wojna Obronna – “Defensive war”. On September 17th the Russian Red Army, implementing the secret agreement with Germany, entered then-eastern regions of Poland (now – western regions of Ukraine and Belarus). At the same time the Polish government with the remnants of their troops escaped to Romania and was interned their. Individual Polish units continued resistance until early October. The German and Soviet troops set a demarcation line through the territory of occupied Poland and even held a joint parade in Brest. However, the current events in Ukraine led to more and more talks in Poland about a possible new war that might reach Polish borders. The Polish President Bronisław Komorowski wrote on Friday in his article in Rzeczpospolita of a need to strengthen NATO and a more detailed look into the possibility of implementing articles 4 and 5 of the Washington Treaty. This part of the document, also called “one for all and all for one” provides that aggression against a NATO member means an attack on the whole Alliance. “We cannot be as short-sighted as the democracies on the eve of WWII” – Komorowski noted. New Unification Church in America
Posted on: Mon, 01 Sep 2014 18:59:23 +0000

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