In Bible study we learned that there are four categories of - TopicsExpress


In Bible study we learned that there are four categories of unglued reactions: 1. Exploders who shame themselves. 2. Exploders who blame others. 3. Stuffers who build barriers. 4. Stuffers who collect retaliation rocks. Exploding means pushing emotions out. Like for example: The lady in the red was screamed at work for dropping the pickle jar. So she exploded and screamed back at her boss. Then threw another jar of pickles at her boss. Then stuffing means pushing emotions inward. Like for example: The lady in the red dropped the pickle jar and got yelled at by her boss. So instead of saying anything or doing anything she kept to herself and picked up the pickles. But inside of her she was mad and hurt. Some times we are faced with problems and emotions and we dont how to handle them. Some times it is easy to turn away form God and explode, some times we do it and not even know it. When we are faced with issues instead of exploding or stuffing try to give it to God. Yes I know easy said then done. When you come unglued try to remember a few things: ONE! DO NOT REACT! Just act. Remember who you are: It is okay to have feelings, but not to act on them. Remember I AM A Child of God. Redirect your focus to Jesus: There is power in Jesus name. Sometimes when there is nothing to say, say Jesus name. Recognize Gods job IS NOT YOUR JOB!- Bring what we can to God. We can do NOT do everything but God is POWERFUL! Recite praise and thanks to God: Praise God in the mist of the time. Thank God for the positive. Also Realize that reactions determine reach: You can NOT CONTROL things that happen to you. -BUT- You can HAVE CONTROL in your reactions.
Posted on: Sun, 09 Mar 2014 16:10:40 +0000

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