In Boston just recently, BS said to his audience that he wanted to - TopicsExpress


In Boston just recently, BS said to his audience that he wanted to exact assasination on FM as an eye for an eye for the assination of his father? Did he (even now) have the cerebral mettle to craft and exact it? Such a task needs an ocean of deep thinking. Considering the massacre of the impeachment cases filed against him, he must be thinking now that he is a strongman. +++++ Aquino after father’s assassination: “I wanted to do to Mr. Marcos as he had done unto us” By Nikko Dizon |Philippine Daily Inquirer7:09 am | Monday, September 22nd, 2014 NEWTON, MASSACHUSETTS—AN EYE for an eye. President Benigno Aquino III on Sunday admitted that he had thought of exacting revenge against the late dictator Ferdinand Marcos and his “ilk” after his father, Sen. Benigno “Ninoy” Aquino, Jr., was assassinated on his return to Manila on August 21, 1983. “As the only son, I felt an overwhelming urge to exact an eye for an eye. Mr. Marcos and his ilk were like rabid dogs who had lost all reason. There was no longer any potential for dialogue; the only solution when confronted by a rabid dog is to put it down,” Mr. Aquino told his audience of nearly 500 people who gathered at the Robsham Theater at Boston College on Sunday afternoon (Monday morning in Manila). “I knew that he was a formidable foe, but regardless of this, in those moments, all I wanted was to do to Mr. Marcos as he had done unto us,” the President said. The assassination of the President’s father, then the leading opposition figure against the dictatorship, had largely been blamed on Marcos. Ninoy’s death sparked a national outrage that culminated in the military-backed EDSA People Power Revolution in 1986 that ousted Marcos and swept his widow, Cory, to the presidency. But there was a sober voice that calmed the President’s anger. Mr. Aquino said then Consul Takeo Iguchi, his father’s friend who rushed to their Boston home as soon as he heard news of Ninoy’s death, told him: “Your people will be looking up to your mother and yourself.” “And it was there that the idea began to take root, that you cannot make decisions just for yourself,” the President said. President Aquino took note that his first visit to Boston since returning to the Philippines in 1983 coincided with the 42nd anniversary of Marcos’ declaration of Martial Law. “It was in Boston, thanks to all our friends, that my family was given a haven from the persecution of the dictatorship; it was here where we were given a sense of normalcy in what can only be described as abnormal times back home,” Mr. Aquino said.
Posted on: Mon, 22 Sep 2014 00:14:40 +0000

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