In Cleon Skousen’s book The Naked Capitalist (1970), which is a - TopicsExpress


In Cleon Skousen’s book The Naked Capitalist (1970), which is a critique of Dr. Carroll Quigley’s book Tragedy and Hope, Chapter One includes a rather sobering quote from Dr. Bella Dodd. When I first read the quote, I about fell out of my chair, because it corroborates a lot of related research I have done over the years. But I just didn’t want to believe it was true. It just seemed too incredible … like a bunch of crackpot nonsense. But I’m not so sure now. So, I’ll leave the reader with this excerpt from Chapter One of Skousen’s book, and the reader can make up their own mind. “I think the Communist conspiracy is merely a branch of a much bigger conspiracy!” The above statement was made to this reviewer [Cleon Skousen] several years ago by Dr. Bella Dodd, a former member of the National Committee of the U.S. Communist Party. Perhaps this is an appropriate introduction to a review of Dr. Carroll Quigley’s book, Tragedy And Hope. Dr. Dodd said she first became aware of some mysterious super-leadership right after World War II when the U.S. Communist Party had difficulty getting instructions from Moscow on several vital matters requiring immediate attention. The American Communist hierarchy was told that any time they had an emergency of this kind they should contact any one of three designated persons at the Waldorf Towers. Dr. Dodd noted that whenever the Party obtained instructions from any of these three men, Moscow always ratified them. What puzzled Dr. Dodd was the fact that not one of these three contacts was a Russian. Nor were any of them Communists. In fact, all three were extremely wealthy American capitalists! Dr. Dodd said, “I would certainly like to find out who is really running things.
Posted on: Wed, 24 Dec 2014 19:06:08 +0000

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