In December of 2001, the mightiest military force the world has - TopicsExpress


In December of 2001, the mightiest military force the world has ever known launched Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan. Today, the US and NATO military mission in that distant country officially comes to a close, but the foe remains unvanquished. I am writing this piece to caution the leaders of free nations, before you leap into more asymmetrical warfare abroad, please examine the outcomes of Afghanistan first. Let me begin by pointing out that just before America entered her longest war, then-President George W. Bush was quoted as saying: “We will direct every resource at our command — every means of diplomacy, every tool of intelligence, every instrument of law enforcement, every financial influence, and every necessary weapon of war — to the destruction and to the defeat of the global terror network.” Thousands of lives, trillions of dollars, 13 years, and a loss of America’s reputation and prestige in the world. All that brought about nothing positive whatsoever. Not only have the Taliban and Al-Qaeda not been destroyed, the global threat of conflict is even more vehement today. Many experts fear the long-range effects of America’s wars will be perpetual attacks of retribution. We are witnessing, even now, the beginnings of this. As NATOs International Security Assistance Force Joint Command lowers its flags, American and coalition forces engage ISIL across Syria and Iraq, and brazen Taliban attacks certify all our worst fears. Al-Qaeda has restarted training camps within Afghanistan. The Taliban has launched more than a dozen attacks targeting foreigners in just the last few weeks. These and other such events punctuate the reality that we accomplished absolutely nothing positive in Afghanistan. The saddest part of this reality for many is the brave men and women who fought and died there; they and their families only have their honor to show for their ultimate sacrifices. However, the military failures in Afghanistan will later be seen as secondary to what America and her allies have lost as free nations. WHAT IS WAR GOOD FOR ABSOLUTELY NOTHING EXCEPT MAKING CRIMINALS OUT OF THE WARRING INSTIGATORS, TIME TO BRING THE TORTURE PERPETRATORS, BANKSTER GANGSTER CRIMINALS TO JUSTICE,NOT THIS BOUGHT OUT BULLSHIT TO KEEP THE CORRUPT IN POWER, BRING THESE EFFS TO JUSTICE IN INTERNATIONAL COURTS OF LAW!! ITS THAT SIMPLE FOLKS!!!! I ASK HIGH PROFILE LAWYERS TO MOVE FORWARD WITH PROCEEDINGS rt/op-edge/218135-afghanistan-conflict-military-operation-security/
Posted on: Sun, 28 Dec 2014 08:22:07 +0000

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