In December of 2012 and in light of Elouise Cobell, I made a - TopicsExpress


In December of 2012 and in light of Elouise Cobell, I made a facebook page in her honor to show the Native Indians appreciation for the 17 year long legal battle against the Federal Government... I made the suggestion that it would be an awesome idea to request that those Native Indians who benefited from her hard work send $1 in an effort to have a monument built to honor her... This is for all Native Indians to participate in, not just the Kiowas... https://facebook/ElouiseCobellmonumentfund?ref=hl In no way was there ever any intent for that to be any form of corrupt acts of any kind... In fact I always make sure that there is total transparency with everything that I am doing (Just for reasons like what that crazy mentally disturbed Paula Deer Dezso is causing). I tell all, step by step that is being made and in this particular instance, I was taking the proper steps to contact her relatives and to also set up a secured Trust Account so they themselves could have total control over those funds and not anyone else... Immediately, not 5 minutes after I made the facebook page in her honor and to show our respect and appreciation for her, Mary Helen Deer Smiths son Christopher Smith and Renee Dzurella Plata started slandering me making false claims that I was trying to con people out of their money... Now Paula Deer Dezso makes false claims of me trying to con the Kiowas... There was and is not any connection with this dedication and the Kiowa Nation whatsoever... Those are acts of people that most would call TRASH... They come out tearing people apart with false claims and personal attacks and then turn right around and act as if they are wanting to help you or work together with you, but they show nothing to support that... That is a total showing of their lack of respect for the Native Indian people of all Tribes/Nations... That is their way to do the best that they can to keep holding the Kiowa Nation down and back from any positive forward progress and improvement... Two casinos are plenty to support their little clan so they are happy with that and want to keep things to themselves and they do not care about you unless you are right there with them as family or friend to them and only if you are willing to agree with the corrupt acts they pull.. Ask any Complex employee it they dare mention any wrong they see going on... They wont do it for fear of their job or being cut out, the only time you see them speaking up is when there if a fallout between them and those who are in charge, then you see all the bad because when they get fired or cut out they start talking because they are mad so they tell off... Well, by that time its too late... Besides that, why wait to speak out when you know something is being done wrong?. Isnt that the same as doing the wrong yourself?... I feel total shame for those people who are in charge and who are causing this turmoil, and I do understand that they know not what they do... What bothers me most is the laziness that has come over the people, the want to have no concern for our childrens future (why should they be concerned?, they will be dead when there is nothing left, no harm to them now, Right?). The total disrespect they have for life itself, and the greediness they choose over all... They were not taught to be that way, they are choosing to be that way... Our elders, our ancestors did not hold those kind of ways and they are probably rolling over in their graves as we speak... But that is now what those people are teaching their children... Do you think Mary Helen Deer and Paula Deer Dezso pass up getting that yearly elder payment?. I mean they harp so much about the tribe not having any funds and how the Kiowa people need to not look at the tribe for assistance and instead they should get off their lazy butts and get a job if they want something and Mary Helen Deer Smith calls anyone who seeks assistance through our programs, abusers and druggies, and she directs them to go to the local DHS once again causing our people to be even more dependant of the Federal Government (If they even qualify, and if they do then that just puts them in jeopardy by allowing that system to have control and say over their lives).. Those are their very words Lazy program abusers and druggies... They have no idea or concern for the true facts that there are some who have no means to travel many miles for a job that only pays for gas to go to work for someone who has to pay for childcare and other needs and that is not enough to afford the cost of living let alone raising a family, putting clothes on their children and food in the stomachs while paying for utilities... What if they have no car? Oh, thats right, depend on your family to help you... Really?. Some have medical issues and cannot work... They tell them to look to their family members for help and not their tribe as if it is them taking monies out of their own pockets to assist the people who are in need... Yet not one of them are doing anything to move the Kiowa Nation forward in any area that can help the tribe put a stop to those unnecessary hardships that our people are suffering... How many of you have family members who can afford to help you with those things like rides here and there whenever they are needed, and afford the gas to travel back and forth like that? Not to mention being able to afford paying your bills on top of their own... They are not doing anything to create new business that will give our own people jobs (They give all those to outsiders Non-Kiowas, because they think our people are too stupid to perform the duties of any working position), they do absolutely nothing at all to help the Kiowa Nations economic growth whatsoever... They Keep everything that has to do with the Kiowa Tribe shuffled away from everyone and within the boundaries of Carnegie, Ok... Anyone who tries to do anything that will benefit the Kiowa people as a whole no matter where they live they will get attacked personally and many lies spread about them so they cannot make any positive progress... They slander them, their families and anyone who stands for those positive things they stand for...They threaten and intimidate anyone who does not live around the home front or who is not their friend or family member... They do not even know those they treat that way or anything about them... This is not the Kiowa way. It is appalling to see such hatred being spewed amongst our people just so those few can protect a very small group who chooses to be corrupt and to hurt all other Kiowa people by stealing from them what rightfully belongs to them as well as stripping them of their Inherent and Constitutional Rights... They can slander me all they want with their lies... It is just their way to do their best to stop me from doing what I am doing for all Kiowa and Native Indians... They do this because they fear the truth, and they fear prosecution of their friends and family who gives to their needs but not to any others... Now, I have posted many of their comments as well as official documentation of every single claim that I have made... I have shown the facts and I have exposed all the wrong doing as well as who is doing it so all of you can see the honest truth... Now is the time to stop listening to their undocumented lies, Now is the time to start making corrections and to move the Kiowa Nation forward in a positive, productive direction... Now is the time that we all stand together and stop allowing those few people to continue to give ALL others the beating they are giving... The Kiowa Nation does not belong to them, We the people are the Kiowa Nation and all Kiowa resources and assets belong to ALL of us equally... It is time to stand up for our Rights and what belongs to all of us, and stop allowing them to make us defend ourselves simply because this is not about me or you personally, this is about the Kiowa people as a whole... This is about all Native Indians Rights... This is about what is happening today... This is about the future of the Kiowa Nation our Kiowa Children and the protections of our Kiowa elders all as a whole... I am asking all my fellow Kiowas and Native Indians to please ignore all those negative haters and their comments that only keep us in a mud hole full of argument when we already know what is wrong and what changes need to be made, the argument is over and now it is time to fix the problems and focus on what we need to do to make the proper changes that are necessary to provide our people with those protections, stability and prosperity... It is the peoples time now... Lets stand together and rid our people of the corruption that is destroying us... Let give our children and the Kiowa people as a whole a safe, stable future. I myself appreciate all your help and support that has been given. It shows me that the people do see the truth and they do want change... I see the true love of our people as a whole, lets not let that go... Lets stay united and walk this path together and we can change the lives of all our people for the better. There is no reason any of us should have to suffer struggling to just get by. There is no reason why we cannot all work together and grow our strength by building more businesses creating more jobs for our own people first... There is no reason why we cannot create programs and gain matching grants to support them so that we can properly assist our own people without being stuck and bound to the dependency of the Federal Government, and most of all, there is no reason why the Kiowa Nation Of Oklahoma General Council shouldnt take charge of our responsibilities and take control of this messed up situation and put a stop to it, changing the direction the Kiowa Nation is moving in now before it is too late... We do not need to waste anymore time... There is no reason why we should sit around doing nothing, suffering while just a few tribal members and their outsider Non-Kiowa friends takes what rightfully belongs to us the Kiowa people as a whole, and only they live high on the hog with it at the rest of the Kiowa peoples expense... That is not what our ancestors fought and died for... That is not the future they intended for us to have...
Posted on: Mon, 20 Jan 2014 22:12:55 +0000

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