In Delhi its Sheila v/s Arvind and it’s official. AAP led by - TopicsExpress


In Delhi its Sheila v/s Arvind and it’s official. AAP led by Arvind Kejriwal is slowly becoming the single biggest challenge to the monopoly of Sheila Dixit who at the peak of her popularity was equivalent to Modi of today’s times. But this is not about INC or AAP. This is about BJP and Vijay Goel. Lets look at the achievements of Mr. Goel. • He ensured that the government paid the medical bills of an injured hockey player • He changed the format of the gate-pass given to visitors and tourists in parliament during his stint in the Ministry of Parliamentary Affairs. • He played a pivotal role in getting lottery banned in 1990s • He has presided over some meetings • He has given speech in some rallies And that’s all. His CV has got nothing else to boast of. Not a bad candidate and If I were to hire him, I probably would have hired him. And I would’ve have placed him at a less significant spot. But making him the main face of opposition in the country’s capital against Sheilas and Arvinds? That’s absurd. Rajnath Singh should put little brains in this matter too.
Posted on: Mon, 26 Aug 2013 12:18:14 +0000

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