In Edgar Allen Poes short story Cask of Amontillado, the victim - TopicsExpress


In Edgar Allen Poes short story Cask of Amontillado, the victim Fortunato has for many years been secretly resented by protagonist Montressor . Finally Montressors patience and scheming pay off and he finds Fortunato in a weakened state, and playing on his pride and vanity convinces him that he, Montressor, alone has in his possession, a cask of the most coveted wine, Amontillado. The intoxicated Fortunato is soon convinced by the lies of Montressor that only Fortunato is worthy of testing and sharing it. Blinded by vanity, pride, drunkenness and illness and wanting to believe the lie, the unsuspecting victim insists on being taken deep into his killers cold, dark, damp catacomb, where he soon meets his death chained in an alcove behind a new stone wall constructed by Montressor. Like Fortunato, American has been lead by our very own Montressor aka, Obama and the Progressives, into an ever deeper, darker labyrinth containing so many political, social, and economic twists and turns that it becomes difficult to focus on the vast scope of its, scandals, lies, illegal activities, and boondoggles . Fortunato believes the lies of Montressor until he his easily overcome and chained to the cave wall. It is then that he realizes that he has walked a path paved by lies and that he is never to see the light of day again. Will American Values of Liberty, In God We Trust, and E Pluribus Unum be left to die like Fortunato? American Values will be subjected to immurement not by the stones of Montressor, but of the lies, abuse of power, political cronyism, political correctness, removal of God, political party over country, etc,, which have been the path laid out by the Political Left. Are our citizens so intent on believing the Cask of Amontillado exits that they are willing to believe the lie and overlook the truth of these American Values? There are three ideological alternatives fighting for supremacy in the world today. Leftism, Islamism, and American Values. Leftism aka European-style democratic socialism is already losing to Islamism in Europe. If the American people allow the Progressives to Fundamentally Change America then the values which have so often lit the way in a troubled world will be snuffed out and the world will enter into a new Dark Age. Watch this video of college professor explaining the characters of Poes story, but replace Fortunato and Montressor with America and Obama and I think youll see the analogy.
Posted on: Tue, 30 Sep 2014 02:01:27 +0000

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