In God It Is Done and so it is… With Jay North aka J. - TopicsExpress


In God It Is Done and so it is… With Jay North aka J. Mountain Chief It has been said in many ways and many times; God Is All There Is. The truth in that statement runs deep; it is a spiritual belief for millions of people worldwide. The commonality of faith in God/Goddess is as basic as air and a way of life for many metaphysical people as well as Hindu’s Christians, Jews, Muslims and Pagans alike. The basic thought principle has remained in place for many, many years-God Is All There Is; The All In All. Found in ancient text of the Egyptians, Greeks, Celtics and Native indigenous people throughout the world. “There is nothing but God” or God is all there is. The principle speaks of God’s love, Gods joy, Gods goodness that lives in each one of us and that God is good and lavish abundance, in health, wealth and long life. In Gratitude it is done is the theme of the day. The truth that God/Goddess lives within us has a long standing tradition of “let go and let God” and when we do, soulful things happen in our lives in terms of perfect heath, perfect mate, perfect home, perfect wealth, perfect harmony and peace. This truth has not changed and may never as it could be as close to an absolute as we may find. What can tend to foul thinks up for humanoids are #1 forgetting and two illusions. Forgetting is considered one of the major fumbles for all humanoids, because in forgetting we give up our Native` knowingness of who we truly are. Illusions are energies that can get us fouled up and lock us out of living a God righteous life. While these illusions feel and seem very real, they can all be handled by remembering—remembering who we are and allowing our oneness with God/Goddess within to guide our lives. In God all things are perfect all of the time, and so it is. When and where necessary there are in fact scientific/metaphysical practices that will in fact assist humanoids in their quest for full unfoldment of the soul and being (living as Gods) that we all are. The materials above should have covered this completely. In God it is already done… In practice we can in fact remove the barriers to total freedom and return to that which we truly are-Godself. By removing barriers, blocks, locks, considerations, conclusions, projections, judgments and a whole host of unwanted conditions, we come into the realization of that which we truly are, and live as Grand Glorious Creators in oneness with God/Goddess in perfect peace, harmony and joy and with all living Gods and Goddesses. In God it is done. One day perhaps it could be done with a snap of a finger, but for now humanoids enjoy the game and the challenge, the work of waddling ourselves out of the maze to find (see or feel ) God within and allow our lives to be the experience of perfection, we deserve. Occasionally we require assistance, a healing and a breaking free from such blocks. Everything is perfect all of the time and so it is In Truth everything is perfect all of the time in God. Through meditation, visualization, relaxation and focus we come to find that God/Goddess does in fact live in the innermost tiniest place in our hearts as the very source of all life. Through God’s breath of life we live in perfect love of God we live gloriously—everything is perfect all of the time. Occasionally we need to process life’s illusion and become free to live as grand glorious creators. There are however perfect natural embodied souls living in oneness as Gods/Goddesses here and now. Humanoids have managed over the millenniums to foul things up pretty good, now the chore of clearing out the collection of Illusions/delusions and remembering has become the goal of many mankind, rising to Godkind in the true unfoldment of the soul. But it has become necessary to do the work and the work is that of removing the barriers to oneness and allowing the full unfoldment of the soul to occur-hence God realization. This road, the path my seem bumpy at times as well it should be; we have managed to create quite an interesting game for ourselves and working through the maze of confusion--and out has become quite a chore for many humanoids. But! Please don’t forget the party. Lightened up! As it has been said by many prominent “Guru’s.” Enlightenment very much has to do with the party, with the dance and joy. Try to have some fun on the road or just stay home. I have always said, if in ain’t fun I anin’t goin. Yes, no doubt there is a time for reverence, there is a time for quiet contemplation, there is a time for processing energies. But, there must be a time for life, or it just plain is not fun. God wants this to be fun for you and me, he/she or she wants you to have a more pleasurable experience in this plane, and life is not about suffering. Come in to the unfoldment in Love Peace and Joy, and come to the party. My Prayer for you: God is light. God is love, divine right order, and prosperity. God is the earth, the sky, and beyond this universe. God is positive energy and light flowing through you, in, and around you. God is air and water, through me and you, right here and now. God is our thoughts, ideas, and mind ever ex¬panding and extending into the visible and the invisible. God is all there is… I am whole in God. I am health in God. I am prosperity in God. I am peace in God. God is all there is. I am LOVE in God. God is the light that beams through me and out to others that call upon God-light. God is with me, in me, as you and me. We are one in God. We are whole, connected, and centered. God is forever loving me and guiding me to my highest level of good in life. I know He/She does the same for you and everyone in the Universe. God is truth and light every-where―north, south, east, and west. God is centered and con¬nected to us all. God is in us all, around us all, and loves us all. God is all there is. He/She is divine love, prosperity with me, and everyone here and now. I know that I am, and everyone is, living our divine path, in divine right order. God manifests Himself in our hearts, souls, and minds through love. He desires people, plants, and animals to be in perfect health and harmony in the here and now. Gods plants, Goddesss Earth, and God’s people are forever protected and provided for, so graciously He/She loves us. We connect with One-ness and God lives in the peaceful vibration of us all. God Lives in me and as He/She does you. Our fruits of labor are in our realization in the here and now. God’s seed is planted and growing into us now. We are healed and whole. We love to help and be of service to others. We are blessed with peace, love, prosperity, and joy in our service. God is love. God loves us and nurtures us by that spirit. Our ancestors and angels knew and know of this; and we do as well today, and so it is. We are blessed. We are in the divine right order. God delivers blessings to every person at the right time. The doors of opportu¬nity open wide and flow with abundance of success, knowledge, good health, prosperity, and money. All is so good!! God is and We are Love, Peace, and Joy in Unity. In God Please help support my work today as seen at OneGlobePress thank you in advace. Peace, Jay
Posted on: Sun, 30 Nov 2014 23:12:04 +0000

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