In God’s heart, we discover a quality absent from every other - TopicsExpress


In God’s heart, we discover a quality absent from every other god, every other philosophy, and every other religion in world history. We discover grace. We discover God’s amazing readiness to reach down to us and to do for us what we cannot do for ourselves. Grace honors God’s love without dishonoring God’s holiness. Grace is love made righteous; it is love for unholy people legitimized without creating legal fiction.... God declares unrighteous train wrecks, like me and you, to be righteous in his sight. How? By means of the Cross. This is grace. Not leniency. Not bland niceness. Not God overlooking our faults. But God facing them squarely, seeing our truth, rolling up his sleeves, and plunging into our dirt, all the way to death. God reached down because he knew we could never reach up even if we wanted to. Grace. The Bible’s God owns it. It’s the only system that makes sense. Grace is the exclusive treasure of the Christian faith. It births hope. It’s the pot of gold at the end of the seeker’s rainbow. ~from Four Letter Words, my apologetics book (99¢ on Amazon Kindle for a while, )
Posted on: Mon, 10 Mar 2014 14:06:43 +0000

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