In Her Ladyships Secret Service... Lady C (Sarah Hunter) has a - TopicsExpress


In Her Ladyships Secret Service... Lady C (Sarah Hunter) has a gig in Columbus this weekend, check her page fore details, this is just after a month of intense filming and photo shoots in LA. She is being an absolute trooper about the work so I have offered to be her roadie for this weekend. Some of you know that when I have people work for me, I tend to be exacting and demanding. Things need to be done, on time and a certain way. Why? Because it is my show. It is the Tom Show. This weekend is NOT the Tom Show. It is the Sarah Show. She needs to perform, NOT worry about the trivialities. Thus: I packed and loaded the car. I drove all of the 7 hours to the location, letting her rest as much as she could. I pumped every drop of petrol. If she said, we need to stop. for any reason. We Stop. No arguing. Her choice of entertainment and or silence. Upon arrival, I she enters the rooms, I unload, stow, prep, and check the room is to her liking, if anything is out of order. I handle it. I prepare food and keep the appointments. I gently remind her if alacrity is needed. At her show, I carried, loaded in, fetched and most of all stayed out of the way. I was there is she needed me and as a ghost when not. I collected the gear , loaded the car, drove to the rooms, prepared food, poured the wine. and let her to sleep. I was up 1.5 hours before her. When she woke, her phone was charged, I had showered, so as not to impede her in any way, Breakfast was on the table and coffee ready.. I can of course go on, but Im quite certain you get the picture. What is my point? Glad you asked, I may expect a great deal from those who work for me... when it is the Tom Show, but when I sign up for someone else show, Im their monkey. This is not a democracy. Their show means I put myself aside and do the job. anything else would be arrogant as hell. I dont do that. Ones level of service to another should boarder on embarrassing. If one is incapable of ever serving another, it is because of a disturbing lack of confidence and character. Just my opinion, but of course, I just happen to be right.
Posted on: Fri, 19 Sep 2014 14:06:16 +0000

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