In Hinduism, holy basil is worshiped as the incarnation of - TopicsExpress


In Hinduism, holy basil is worshiped as the incarnation of Lakshimi, the wife of Vishnu and one of that religions most important deities. It is called “The Incomparable One” and “Mother Medicine of Nature” among other things, and can be seen growing outside of Hindu temples. Not only found in temples, you will see tulsi being cultivated outside of most Indian homes and in courtyards. In worship, it will be placed on an altar and held in reverence during meditation and prayer. Though the herb has likely been growing in India the longest (an estimated 3,000 years), it was also prized by healers of ancient Greece and Rome and continues to be prized throughout the world as a plant that can heal the body, mind, and spirit. But all potential spiritual benefits aside, the herb undoubtedly brings numerous health benefits to the table. Tulsi is an erect, much branched subshrub, 30-60 cm tall with hairy stems and simple, opposite, green leaves that are strongly scented. Some Holy thulasi Benefits In Ayurvedic medicine, holy basil has been used for thousands of years. However, it is just in recent decades (and especially the past few years) begun gaining popularity in the West. The plant is said to be an adaptogen. Adaptogens essentially adapt to serve the body where it needs them most. Typically, adaptogens are characterized as stress-busters, and this is where we will find the majority of research on tulsi. Holy basil has numerous beneficial properties including: Adaptogenic (anti-stress) Antibacterial Anti-fungal Antioxidant Anti-inflammatory These properties alone can account for many potential benefits including increased sense of well-being, increased immune function, and disease prevention. Known benefits of holy basil include: Memory booster Fever reduction Cough soothing Sore throat relief Soothing to bites, cuts, and scrapes Headache treatment Increased kidney function Balanced emotional health Clearing acne Possible blood sugar regulation Both as a general health tonic and as a treatment for specific maladies, tulsi has been the go-to herb for millennia. Experience holy basil benefits today - by growing your own!
Posted on: Tue, 30 Sep 2014 06:49:30 +0000

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