In Honor of the passing from this life of one of my favorite - TopicsExpress


In Honor of the passing from this life of one of my favorite Spiritualists and Free-Thinkers, Stephen Gaskin, I feel it is appropriate to share some of his Spiritual Guidance. Feel free to take from it whatever you need. You are the people. You are this seasons people- there are no other people this season. If you blow it, its blown In the light of planetary communication and the current state of the world, we have to recognize that other cultures have had their planetary spiritual teachers. We cant be in an exclusive position in regard to the rest of mankind, because it is vitally important that we evolve some common philosophical religious assumptions- in order that mankind may survive. Without them, theres a good chance we wont. Paying attention to what we choose to pay it to is probably the greatest freedom we have. You can have the presence of mind, right in the middle of a hassle, to realize the other person probably doesnt want to be in it either. Love is an active verb. Its not an abstraction or a conceptual idea. You have to perform an action to show that its really real. Love is broadcast energy that actually physically helps sustain everyone exposed to it. Love interpenetrates. If I point a flashlight at you, and you point a flashlight at me, the lights dont stop each other. My light illuminates you; you light illuminates me, at the same time. One of my favorites: The more Love you put out, the more capable of Loving you are. Love is infinite- and you have to Love everybody. Even if someone does dumb and evil things, you have to understand where they are coming from, and Love them anyway, even if you dont agree with their actions. Even if you have to resist their actions, you still have to Love them. If you dont Love , theres no way youre ever going to help them. If you Love them, it will help.
Posted on: Wed, 02 Jul 2014 20:21:09 +0000

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