In India, every six minutes a woman is diagnosed to have a breast - TopicsExpress


In India, every six minutes a woman is diagnosed to have a breast cancer. Every year the number of women diagnosed for breast cancer increases and it has been a major concern in the medical world. Abnormal growth cells can result to breast cancer. This would result to the malignancy in most advanced stage. The disease can happen to anybody and it doesn’t have any common characteristics at all. One must be aware of the disease and learn the ways to avoid getting it. Breast cancer self diagnosis is the most effective way to diagnose the disease at an early stage. Unfortunately, not all are aware of the breast self exam process, thus it sometimes complicates things and the treatment. Breast Cancer Self Diagnosis is a technique which women and does to ensure an early detection of the cancer. We all know that, not all cancer is detected this way but doing these yourselves can help in the prevention of complications. The more you do the self diagnosis, the more you will be open to possibilities and the more you would be aware of any abnormalities. Doing the breast cancer diagnosis is recommended for women whose age is from 20-50. Although most women feel awkward in doing the procedure, but it has to be done for preventive measures. Women whose age is beyond 50 should have an annual check up. It is a fact that breast cancers are detected by health officials in the clinic. Self diagnosis should be done before going to the clinic for you to have an idea and diagnose it yourself. Breast cancer self Diagnosis: Five Steps Step 1 Look at your breast in a mirror with the arms on your hips and the shoulders straight. It should have the usual size, color and shape without any swelling visible. If there are puckering, dimpling or bulging on the skin, or if the nipple has changed position, redness, rash, soreness and swelling, you need to consult your doctor fast. Step 2 Raise your arms and look for the same changes as mentioned above. Step3 Squeeze the nipple one by one between your thumb and finger and check for any discharge from the nipple. If there is a discharge like of a milky type or a yellow fluid or even blood, immediately consult your doctor. Step4 On a flat surface lie down and feel your breast. Touch it with the first few fingers smoothly and firmly while keeping the fingers together. Examine the breast are from top to the base, from he collarbone to the abdomen, from the armpit to the cleavage and all from side to side. You can start from your nipples going out in circles to the edge. Make sure that the breast tissues are felt by your fingers. If you feel a lump or a swelling or an abnormal tissue growth, seek medical advice immediately. Step 5 While sitting or standing, apply oil for convenience and do the same procedure in step 4.
Posted on: Sat, 22 Jun 2013 18:10:44 +0000

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