In Islam we know that this is haraam. Quran tells us that Jinn and - TopicsExpress


In Islam we know that this is haraam. Quran tells us that Jinn and Man must co-exist in parallel dimensions, but must not communicate with each other. Jinn are invisible, they can see us, but we cannot see them. There is no such thing as a “good” or helpful Jinn, because any Jinn that speaks/interacts with a human is directly going against what Allah commanded: NO CONTACT. And so it is vice versa. . · So, on Prophet Sulaymans instruction, they brought all books to him, and he then buried them where he thought they would be safest i.e.: no one could get / steal them. . · Where did he bury them?? In the foundations of the temple, under his throne! He appointed guards known as the Knights of the Temple of Solomon (Knights Templars) to guard the temple day and night. . · The Knights did this initially. When Sulayman (AS) passed away (May Allah grant him Jannah), The Knights discovered what it is they were guarding. They quickly realised the significance of this information, the practices and magic that they had at their fingertips. They stole it and began practicing. They moved completely away from religion and God, and immersed themselves under the power and influence of Iblees (Shaytaan). Due to the nature of their rituals, they quickly became the most powerful and wealthiest people in the land. (Recent interviews with members of the occult confirms that Satan rewards his followers with masses of wealth and material gain in this world, provided they do whatever he wants them to ie: spreading corruption, ungodliness and destruction on earth. Interviewees also said that Satan assures them, via his high priests and priestesses, that he is the real God – And that he is just misunderstood!). . · Subsequently over the ages, the manuscripts were smuggled into Europe, and the Knights Templars took on the name “Free Masons” – With this new found power, they quickly spread this knowledge across the world, in the forms of secret societies – ALL WITH A COMMON GOAL: To serve their “God” Satan, and to prepare for the arrival of the one-eyed Dajjal, who is Satans representative on earth. Their symbol is a pyramid topped by an “all-seeing” ONE eye! Please note that the ancient Egyptians also had the all-seeing one eye which they called the Eye of Ra, and the Eye of Osiris. Remember that the dark arts were learnt from the pagans of ancient Egypt. You draw the parallels! THE BEING WITH THE ONE SEEING EYE IS WHAT THEY WORSHIP. AND ISLAM WARNS US AGAINST THE BEING WITH THE “ONE” EYE. · Don’t believe me? Take a look at the back of the US Dollar bill – the all seeing one eye is there! Free mason symbology is everywhere. America is the worlds first Masonic state. There is plenty of research that support this claim, shocking evidence, interviews, geneology etc. “THE SECRET” KNOWLEDGE OF THE UNIVERSE WHICH THESE ILLUMINATI SOCIETIES CLAIM TO HAVE, IS IN ACTUALITY THE PRACTICE OF THE DARK RITUALS OF THE OCCULT. This is the “secret” they are always talking about in “mastering your future, creating wealth by asking the universe to give it to you etc. etc., being spiritual, not religious etc…,” – this is a direct opposite to Islam where we place our faith and trust in Allah to provide for us. https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=333994733427354&set=p.333994733427354&type=1
Posted on: Thu, 21 Aug 2014 11:16:33 +0000

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