In Jesse Js price tag video she says they the sale comes before - TopicsExpress


In Jesse Js price tag video she says they the sale comes before the truth. This is true cause not many would commit to this deal knowing it all. These r talented kids that really want this dream to sing for the world n b liked n loved. They r not told the entire truth until they a taste of it n get deeper into the process n by that time its so addictive n they do so many rituals to help w the process of the control n power n then they often threaten that they will harm u or ur the ones closest to u that if they say a word that they will regret it n get everything taken from them theyve worked so hard to achieve. We dont realize what many of these people go through. Yet it does not make it ok to keep allowing it to go on. We must accept the truth, and not hold anger or resentment towards them but that doesnt mean we sit n allow it to keep happening as they live lavishly yet will never truly b happy n free. This goes the same for anyone higher up in religion, government, ect. I have details on the backgrounds of ones high up in the LDS church that have huge ties to the illuminati or elite whatever u want to call it. The LDS in the 1970s made another agreement that merged mind control on another level that Joseph Smith used n right now n the issues all stems back to Monson, Romney, and Romneys father who was the governor of Minnesota if I remember right but I have it all written down n can give u proof of all this if u want it. This is not meant in any way to disrespect anyone ever. It is my duty to do this and as hard as it is to come public w these things it is what I agreed to and in no way do I expect anyone to feel sorry for me or think I am any different than the average person. The only difference is that I was meant to wake up when I did to b a part of this that is a bigger project to help the entire world gain back their freedom from financial, spiritual, mental, n physical imprisonment that has plagued our world for so long. Its about being free to do what u desire without it affecting anothers free will. This is not about doin things my way, its about finding the common solution to a problem that has been controlling us. Do u want to live without debt n b able to b at a more simple way of living to where u dont stress, so u can truly live life in a way u see blissful and responsible as u continue to grow at the same time? This is all I am tryin to do. I have no resentment towards the LDS church for what theyve done but I also know that it be to b stopped in order for us to live in that state of existing. They r facts n not assumptions. It takes a more broad view to see what is right in front of u that many dont get why they do it or whatever it truly means. Once u connect w ur higher self more u will feel more uneasy about all that society is doin. That is why I do this. It is not an obsession, paranoia, of any kind. My spiritual side is nourished all the time. Not when I go to church, not when I pray, not when I go to the temple. It is shifting my perception in each moment that allows for me to b coming from a place of unconditional love that I see things for what they truly r. That doesnt mean im seeing ignorance is bliss state nor am I in all things r evil n im paranoid state cause im coming from an unconditional love state of being that is a frequency a vibration u hold that takes u into other dimensions of reality that is more of a peaceful feeling cause u r more aligned w ur truth that bed suits u n it is a peaceful state. It means I see more of the way it is truly w less illusions n tricks. U cannot b fooled as easily when u r coming from this frequency.
Posted on: Fri, 28 Nov 2014 23:35:58 +0000

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