In John 3, the Lord was approached by a Pharisee named - TopicsExpress


In John 3, the Lord was approached by a Pharisee named Nicodemus. Nicodemus opened the conversation by saying that he knew Jesus MUST have come from God, because there was no way that anyone could ever do the signs and wonders that Jesus had done, unless God the Father had a hand in it. Now, one might think that our Lord should have said something like “Yes; the Father sure is incredible, isnt He?” But the way He replied might give a skeptic the idea that He didnt pay attention to what Nicodemus was saying, because the first words out of our Lords mouth were “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God.” Was Jesus suffering from Attention Deficit Disorder? Not at all! In fact, Jeremiah 17:10 says that the Lord searches the heart, and tests the mind of man. In John 2:24-25, we learn that Jesus already knew the thoughts and intentions in a persons heart. So really, it wasnt that Jesus didnt hear the words that proceeded from the mouth of Nicodemus. He knew the question that Nicodemus really wanted to ask; “How do I get to Heaven?”, and He answered it. I cant help but think that Nicodemus must have been surprised that Jesus answered a question that he hadnt even asked, but which was burning in his heart. The answer to that question is still the same as it was 2,000 years ago, give or take a few years; as is the answer to the question asked by Philip. Philip knew that the Lord would soon be departing from Earth, and going back to Heaven. There is only ONE Way to Heaven; and that Way is the Lord Jesus Christ. At no time has anyone else been an alternative route to Heaven. Jesus is the ONLY Way to Heaven. Maitreya Buddha cant get you there, neither can Mohammed, or Krishna, the pope, the Virgin Mary, Saint Jude, Peter, Paul, or anyone else. Our good works wont buy our way in; and even a multi-billionaire like George Soros wont be able to buy his way in. From the wealthiest person in the world, to the homeless beggar on the street, the way to Heaven is the same. A preacher like Dr. David Jeremiah needs Jesus Christ every bit as much as Richard Dawkins does. Roman Catholic, Presbyterian, Baptist, Lutheran, Pentecostal, Quaker, Mennonite; you name the branch of Christendom, and the answer is still the same. Jesus Christ is the ONLY Way to Heaven. There is no alternative route for subscribers to other religious beliefs (Hindu, Scientologist, Buddhist, Wiccan, Rastafarian, Gypsy, Deist, Satanist, Secular Humanist, Atheist, etc.) I have no doubt that MANY will say to Jesus on their “day in court” “But I did this, I did that; I didnt do THIS, I didnt do THAT, and I should be allowed into Heaven, because I deserve it!” I believe that at that point in time, the Lord is going to open three books; the Holy Bible, the Book of Life, and the book that contains every single thing the person has ever done, whether good or bad. I believe that people in eternity understand EVERYTHING, and that if they have never been born again, they will know theyve missed it; and yet, they will still plead with the Lord. Unfortunately, if your name isnt in the Book of Life, you wont get in, no matter how many good things youve done, or how much money you try to offer for your admission. To give a 21st century example, if you go to a store to buy something using a payment card, and the store only accepts VISA, MasterCard, and Discover, it wont matter if you have $45,000 available on your American Express Card. If you dont have a valid payment method, youre not going to buy anything. In the case of getting into Heaven, YOUR name MUST be written in the Book of Life. Money isnt a valid payment method, neither are your good works. Jesus only spoke what He heard from His Father; so, if there were any other way to get to Heaven, the Lord would have said so; and His Father would not have allowed the Romans to crucify His Son. We ALL need Jesus Christ in order to get to Heaven. There are no exceptions. https://youtube/watch?v=9ylnx0NA9X4
Posted on: Sat, 15 Mar 2014 18:26:47 +0000

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