In July 1973, growing tensions between Kayibandas clique of - TopicsExpress


In July 1973, growing tensions between Kayibandas clique of Southerners and Hutus from Rwandas north led to Kayibandas overthrow by Juvenal Habyarimana, the Hutu chief of staff of the Forces Armées Rwandaises (FAR). ...Kayibanda was subsequently to die in prison in 1976 after likely being starved to death by his jailers. The regime would prove to be a durable one, with Habyarimana and his supporters ruling over Tutsi and Hutu peasants alike in a kind of fascism with a mornachical flair. Much like Mobutu, Habyarimana was elected by farcical margins in 1983 and 1988 elections. Despite all this, Rwanda was a darling of the donors and foreign non-governmental organizations in the late 1980s, few glimpsing the catastrophe that lay ahead. -- Michael Deibert, The Democratic Republic of Congo: Between Hope and Despair. pp47 And they say history does not repeat itself?
Posted on: Mon, 19 May 2014 05:33:15 +0000

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