In June of 1863, the governor of Pennsylvania hastily sent out the - TopicsExpress


In June of 1863, the governor of Pennsylvania hastily sent out the call for all able bodied men from Pennsylvania to take up arms and fight against the invasion of The Army of Northern Virginia (ANV) led by General Robert E. Lee. Men from Gettysburg, PA and the surrounding areas answered the call to counter the invasion of the ANV. Author and historian Cooper H. Wingert tells about such men in Emergency Men! The 26th Pennsylvania Volunteer Militia and The Gettysburg Campaign. In this excellent book the author gives the back ground of the men who formed the militia company. These men from the portion of southern Pennsylvania were from various backgrounds. Teachers, lawyers, blacksmiths, students, farmers, (and a future governor of Pennsylvania) answered the call and were led by officers who did have some military experience. As with any call to arms, these men were patriotic, swept with the grand idea of defending the flag, family, state, and country. However, these were men who had no prior military training, and some had no experience in firing a rifle or pistol. The training of these men was hasty to say the least, and on June 26, 1863 the milita (26th PA) met the forces of the ANV. Needless to say they were ill-prepared to say the least, and some ran away from the encounter of General Jubal Earlys forces (ANV) at the first opportunity. The realities of battle became apparent to many in the militia and they quickly valued their lives more than their patriotic duty and quickly threw down their muskets and either surrendered or ran from battle. But, many in the 26th PA stood their ground and fought bravely against the ANV. The 26th PA was quickly surrounded and cut off from escaping to friendly ground. The 26th PA (the men who were cut off) were forced to march continuously for over 24 hours in some instances to find friendly lines. The weather was not good, the men had little food, and were continuoulsy under threat of being shot by soldiers of the ANV. This is a story of courage under fire by many of the soldiers of the 26th. As a militia unit these men overall did their state and country proud by answering the call of duty. It is just a very small part of the Gettysburg Campaign but for Pennsylvania and the men of the 26th PA it was an important part of the Battle of Gettysburg. Years later the men would meet in reunions and have an outstanding statue dedicated to the militia unit. The chapers of the book are: - Chapter 1: A Regiment is Born - Chapter 2: With a Pie in Each Hand - Chapter 3: Such a Confusion I Never Saw - Chapter 4: Discretion as the Better Part of Valor - Chapter 5: Such an Awful Time I Never Had - Chapter 6: We Are Treated Very Meanly Here - Chapter 7: Another Trip Down the Valley - Chapter 8: Returning Home - Chapter 9: Reunion at Gettysburg The book has many excellent photographs, appendixs, bibliography and other fascinating feature that enhances the book. There are 221 pages to the book, and I compliment the authors thorough research that included the letters of the soldiers describing their experience to their family, official records and correpsondence. This is an excellent book that contributes to the history of the Gettysburg Campaign and is important to know that Pennslyvania State Militias also fought in the Gettysburg campaign. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!
Posted on: Fri, 14 Mar 2014 14:40:56 +0000

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