In Kibiritine there used to be a boy who was completely disabled. - TopicsExpress


In Kibiritine there used to be a boy who was completely disabled. He could not walk; his hands were folding backward, legs folded at the knee but with a very sharp memory. Nobody knew where he lived as he was seen only during the day. To surprise more, he talked but no one heard his name. The villagers named him MUKAI referring to the god of fortune; protection and safety as there believe was still drenched in their own tradition. Mukai had no good dress. He relied on teases, no washing and therefore they were smelly. He had jiggers on both fingers and toes. Mukai used to visit homes during the day to be given food. Whenever he was given food he would pray, but no one heard the wordings in his prayer. The families that give him food were never visited by any misfortune like deaths, sicknesses or even lack of food. One man’s meat is another man’s poison. There were some families which hated Mukai to their utmost. There was a family which had a baby showering ceremony. They expected royal guests and because they feared to be mortified by Mukai, they prearranged to kill him one day before the party. Mukai never knew of the party and as usual he visited them for his usual feeding routine. The mum of the house put rat poison mixed with crodile bile to ensure Mukai will never be a disgrace to their guests on the Baby showering day. When he gave this food to Mukai, Mukai slithered with the food and placed it at a fence and left without tasting. The snake which was sent by a witchdoctor to kill that baby so that the family will be embarrassed on bash day came slithering along the fence; it found the poisoned food which was given to Mukai, the snake licked and died there on the sport. In the next day, which was the occasion day, Mukai slithered in the homestead and all members of the family were startled by his presence and they were astonished as to why he had not died even after giving him poisoned food. He was given his share of nice and good food in front of guests ate the food; he prayed with his Abracadabra language and slithered away. The next episode was in the Kibiritine king’s palace. Mukai tried all his level best to get inside but the guards kept him at bay. The king inquired from guards on what was going on. The guards explained to the King that it was Mukai who wanted to get into the palace. The King ordered him to be allowed in. When he entered, He was given food. As usual Mukai prayed; ant at this time the young handsome man who was in courtship with the king’s daughter was in the house. Little did the King and the entire family that this young man was a devil worshiper. As Mukai prayed with his language, the young man started shaking, Mukai continued and the man fell down! Mukai continued and the man changed to a snake, Mukai continued with the prayer and the snake which was the Son-in-law to the king ran away into the bushes!. Everybody was astonished and believed that Mukai was a guardian Angel; regardless of his poverty and disability he still had a purpose within the community. So if you go to Kibiritine today, when something frightening happens, you will hear people shouting! WUUINAANU MUKAI! (Calling Mukai to protect them) Did you know? Some of those people you hate because of their status could be your guardian angels. LOVE ALL.
Posted on: Mon, 13 Oct 2014 11:59:46 +0000

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