In Last 40 years in Turkey died more than 100.000 People... 4 - TopicsExpress


In Last 40 years in Turkey died more than 100.000 People... 4 nothing !!! The American, German, english, tried 2 Split Turkey !!! Without success !!! The war in Turkey is over !!! They tried that with all Nations, Romans, alevia, and Kurds, The biggest 3 groups... If U count this 3 Group toghether they are Around 80% !!!! They tried that with the Romans, They Killed the People who called them non-Turk !!! They are happy Turks !!! The Most Nationalist Group of turkish People !!! The alevia have been and are very happy 2 Life under the turkish flag, Are happy Turks !!! They are also more Nationalist than we !!! By the Kurds its escalated... But they gived up... The Most dont wish a war !!! The most Terrorist who fought 4 the PKK, Havent been Kurds nor Muslims !! They have been Christian !!! They always try that the Muslims Fight with each other, Even in this Demonstration which is actually !!! There are European, They provokate, Wish there is a Trouble in Turkey !!! But also without succes !!! They demoleted everything, The next Day the Nation cleaned everything up, Went Out and cleaned the Streets which they made Dirty, Apologize them !!! Anyway !!! Y the Christian dont wish, We One !!! So Turkey cant Improve hisself, Cant Come back 2 his Place ! The head of the Muslims !!! If Nobody wanna be the One, The Turks are ready 2 do it !!! :) They should know, The turkish State dont Need Soldiers, The turkish State Need only some Nation, who are behind them !!! I can only say, Their Game didnt Worked in Turkey !!! And Turkey is coming back !!! Its grow extreamly !!! 4 10 years, U Could hear nothing about Turkey !!! After 10 years, u will only hear about the State Turkey !!! Turkey will be One of the Powers who rule the World, Parts of the World !!! Nobody can change this !! The Turks are having a History of 5000 years, And they always Come back !!! The Turks are Known as a hardworking, Slick Nation, Who is looking forward and not Backward !!!
Posted on: Sat, 08 Jun 2013 23:01:35 +0000

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